Glossary of Michael Terminology

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/02/21 00:13

This page contains an alphabetical listing of terms and meanings as given in the Michael Teachings.

Note: This is a work in progress. If you have suggestions for a definition that is not yet in place, please DM Archivist 1


Acceptance (Goal)

"Acceptance" refers to one of the seven fundamental life goals or aims that individuals pursue within a lifetime. The goal of Acceptance entails cultivating an attitude of embracing and accommodating the diversity and intricacies of life experiences, both external and internal, with a sense of openness and non-judgment.

Positive Pole - Agape:
The positive pole of the Acceptance goal is termed "Agape." Individuals who successfully navigate towards this pole exhibit an exceptional capacity for understanding, empathy, and unconditional love. They are able to perceive the interconnectedness of all things and possess a deep appreciation for the unique qualities of each individual. Operating from the standpoint of Agape, people embody a serene and benevolent attitude, creating harmonious relationships and fostering a sense of unity among diverse groups.

Negative Pole - Ingratiation:
The negative pole of the Acceptance goal is referred to as "Ingratiation." Those who lean towards this pole tend to compromise their own values and beliefs in an effort to gain approval, acceptance, or validation from others. Operating in this state, individuals may become excessively accommodating, losing their sense of self in the process. Ingratiation can lead to a pattern of seeking external validation and experiencing inner conflict due to the disconnect between one's true self and the self presented to others.

Poles: + Agape / - Ingratiation

Action Axis

The Action Axis includes Overleaves associated with moving and doing.

For example, the Action Roles are Warrior and King. The Warriors stand as our protectors and builders, getting us motivated and instilling loyalty, while the King leads us into action as a group.

Aggression (Mode)

"Aggression" is one of the seven Modes, which are fundamental aspects of an individual's personality that influence how they interact with the world and approach their experiences. The Mode of Aggression pertains to an individual's approach to obtaining their desires and achieving their goals. It influences how they assert themselves, pursue what they want, and engage in the pursuit of their intentions.

Positive Pole - Dynamism:
The positive pole of the Aggression mode is termed "Dynamism." Individuals who embody Dynamism exhibit a proactive, determined, and energetic approach to their goals. They are assertive in pursuing their desires, often displaying a sense of enthusiasm, vigor, and confident self-expression. People in the Dynamism mode are able to channel their energy effectively to overcome challenges, making them skilled at initiating action and inspiring others with their passion.

Negative Pole - Belligerence:
The negative pole of the Aggression mode is known as "Belligerence." Individuals who lean towards Belligerence may exhibit a confrontational, combative, or adversarial attitude when pursuing their goals. This could lead to unnecessary conflicts, as they approach situations with an inclination toward hostility and resistance. Operating in the Belligerence pole, individuals might struggle to manage their assertiveness and emotions constructively, potentially hindering their progress and causing discord in their interactions.

Poles: + Dynamism / - Belligerence

AgreementA non-binding commitment to share a specific experience usually made on a non-physical level of communication and/or before the lifetime begins.
Akashic Plane / Akashic Records

"Akashic Records" refers to an ethereal repository of information believed to contain the collective records of all experiences, thoughts, emotions, and actions of every soul throughout its various lifetimes and journeys. Often described as an energetic library or cosmic database, the Akashic Records are considered a source of profound wisdom and insight accessible to those who possess the ability to tap into them. One of the many things Michael is in the process of learning is how to access, interpret, translate, and deliver data from the Akashic Records through their channels.

"Akashic Plane" refers to a metaphysical realm or dimension that is believed to hold the collective records of all experiences, thoughts, emotions, and actions of every soul throughout its various lifetimes and evolutionary journeys. This plane is thought to exist beyond the physical realm and serves as a repository of information often referred to as the "Akashic Records." This is the only Plane of existence where no fragments reside, but only access as a source of information.

Arrogance (Chief Feature)

"Arrogance" is the fear of vulnerability.

"Arrogance" is one of the Chief Negative Features, which are patterns of behavior and thought that hinder an individual's spiritual growth and well-being. Arrogance, as a Chief Negative Feature, involves a distorted sense of superiority, entitlement, and the belief that one is fundamentally better than others. This feature negatively impacts an individual's relationships, self-awareness, and ability to learn from experiences.

Positive Pole - Humility: The positive pole associated with Arrogance is "Humility." When individuals move towards the positive pole, they cultivate a genuine sense of modesty, openness, and a willingness to acknowledge their limitations and imperfections. They approach others with respect and an understanding of their shared human experiences. Operating in the state of Humility, individuals are able to recognize their strengths while remaining grounded and receptive to the insights and contributions of others. Humility is still unhealthy in this context as it used to consciously tame the sense of self-importance.

Negative Pole - Vanity: The negative pole associated with Arrogance is "Vanity." Individuals manifesting this negative pole exhibit an inflated and persistent sense of self-importance and entitlement, often believing they deserve special treatment, recognition, or privileges. They might dismiss or belittle the contributions of others, considering themselves inherently superior. In this state, people may struggle with genuine self-reflection and are more focused on maintaining a facade of superiority.

Poles: + Pride / - Vanity


"Artisan" is one of the seven Roles, which are archetypal roles that Essence fulfills as part of the soul's journey of self-discovery and growth. The Artisan Role is characterized by its focus on creativity, innovation, and the expression of beauty and uniqueness.

Positive Pole - Creation: The positive pole of the Artisan Role is "Creation." Individuals embodying the Creation pole are imaginative, inventive, and adept at channeling their creative energy into various forms of expression. They have a natural talent for bringing beauty, novelty, and uniqueness into the world. People in the Creation pole often inspire others through their artistic endeavors, innovative ideas, and ability to infuse their creations with a sense of magic and wonder.

Negative Pole - Delusion: The negative pole of the Artisan Role is "Delusion." Those leaning towards the Delusional pole may struggle with grounding their creative ideas and talents in reality. They might have difficulty distinguishing between their imaginative visions and practical possibilities, which can lead to feelings of disconnect from the real world. Operating in the negative pole, individuals may become overly idealistic and have trouble translating their creative aspirations into tangible achievements.

Poles: + Creation / - Delusion

Asleep vs. Awake

The terms "asleep" and "awake" refer to different states of consciousness and awareness experienced by individuals as they navigate their spiritual journey and personal growth across various lifetimes. These terms encapsulate the degree of self-awareness, understanding, and alignment with one's true nature and purpose. Here's an overview of these states:

Asleep: Being "asleep" in the Michael Teachings doesn't refer to a physical state of wakefulness but rather to a state of limited self-awareness and spiritual consciousness. When an individual is "asleep," they are primarily driven by conditioned behaviors, societal norms, and survival instincts. They may not fully comprehend the deeper aspects of their existence or the interconnectedness of all life. In this state, individuals are more likely to be governed by fear, ego-driven desires, and a sense of separateness from others.

Awake: Being "awake" signifies a heightened level of self-awareness, consciousness, and spiritual understanding. When an individual is "awake," they have begun to question their conditioned beliefs, seek deeper truths, and align with their authentic self. They recognize the interconnectedness of all life and understand their role in the larger cosmic tapestry. Awakening involves an expansion of consciousness, where individuals become more attuned to their inner guidance, spiritual purpose, and the pursuit of personal growth and self-evolution.

The transition from being "asleep" to becoming "awake" is often a gradual process that occurs over lifetimes as individuals accumulate experiences, insights, and lessons that contribute to their spiritual maturation. Awakening involves shedding the layers of ego, fear, and limited perspectives, and embracing a broader understanding of existence and the interconnectedness of all beings.

The Michael Teachings emphasize the importance of self-awareness and conscious growth. As individuals progress along their spiritual journey, they move from a state of being unconsciously influenced by external factors to one where they actively engage in self-discovery, self-mastery, and the realization of their true essence. The goal is to continue awakening to higher states of consciousness, aligning with one's authentic nature and contributing positively to the collective evolution of humanity.

Assimilation (Neutral) Axis"Assimilation Axis" refers to the hub of fundamental axes that make up an individual's personality structure. This axis is considered "neutral" because it refers to all elements of the Essence and Personality that are also at the hub of all axes, such as Scholar, Flow, Observation, Pragmatist, Stubbornness, etc. They represent a dynamic meeting field between two or more other qualities. The Assimilation Axis carries all of the specific elements of Essence and Overleaves that are capable of extreme flexibility of movement, perspective, or expression as needed.
Astral Plane

"Astral Plane" refers to a dimension of existence beyond the physical realm/Physical Plane. It is considered one of the 7 planes of existence that souls must navigate throughout their journey of reincarnation and spiritual evolution.

Characteristics of the Astral Plane: The Astral Plane is thought to be a realm where thoughts, emotions, and experiences take on a more fluid and malleable form compared to the physical world. In this dimension, individuals may engage in activities, interactions, and journeys that are not limited by the constraints of the physical body. It is often associated with heightened emotional and sensory experiences, vivid imagery, and the potential for spiritual insights.

Dreams and the Astral Plane: Dreams are frequently seen as a glimpse into the Astral Plane. During dreams, individuals may explore different landscapes, interact with other souls (including deceased loved ones or spirit guides), and experience scenarios that transcend the laws of physics in the physical world.

The Astral Plane is where souls go between lifetimes and where Entities, eventually, reunite as fragments of the Entity cycle off and complete their set of lifetimes.


This is an Overleaf chosen by Essence when planning a lifetime for a Personality. The Attitude is selected to be the primary way of viewing life within the lifetime, or the primary means of interpreting reality.

There are seven Attitudes: Cynic, Idealist, Pragmatist, Realist, Skeptic, Spiritualist, and Stoic.


Baby Soul AgeThis is one of the seven Soul Ages. Baby Souls have fairly mastered the experiences of basic survival and now seek experiences focused on how to behave in groups.
Body Type

This is an Overleaf chosen by Essence when planning a lifetime for a Personality. The Body Type provides the basic genetic and planetary influences that make up a body within the lifetime.

Body Types influence a Personality’s physical appearance, but they also describe the nature and health mechanisms of each Personality. Each Personality may have multiple Body Types to reflect these influences.

There are seven primary Body Types with names based on our Solar System: Jupiter (Jovial), Mars (Martial), Mercury (Mercurial), Moon (Lunar), Saturn (Saturnian), Sun (Solar), and Venus (Venusian). Neptune (Neptunian), Pluto (Plutonian) and Uranus (Uranian) are less frequently included in Body Types.

Buddhic Plane (aka Buddhaic Plane)To be added


CadenceMost often ‘cadence’ refers to a group of seven Essences with the same Role that belong to a single row within an Entity.
Cadence MatesEssences that are in the same Cadence.

An extended family of Essences that is a grouping of seven Entities. As each Entity has a theme, so will the Cadre have a larger theme that is shared by all Entities within the Cadre.

There are 12 Cadres in an Energy Ring.

Cadre MateAn Essence that is a member of the same Cadre as another Essence. Entity Mates will always also be Cadre Mates.
Calibration OverleafTo be added
CardinalTo be added
CastingTo be added
Causal PlaneTo be added
Caution (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. When a Personality has Caution Mode, it shows up as one who reveals oneself at a personal pace, and must clarify intention behind the pursuit of the Goal. When intention is clarified behind the pursuit of the Goal, then support for the Goal tends to be a process of revelation, building upon each revelation. When intention is lost or lacking in clarity, the personality recoils.

Poles: + Deliberation / - Phobia


Centering is the habitual way of taking in and reacting to the world and experiences. Primary Centering and Part of Centering are chosen by the Personality, usually within the first 3 years of life. The Part of Centering can also be called the Trap of Centering.

There are seven types of Centering: Emotional, Higher Emotional, Intellectual, Higher Intellectual, Moving, Higher Moving and Instinctive.

All Centers are used by a Personality, but Emotional, Intellectual or Moving Center is selected as primary Centering for a lifetime. Centers can be associated with Chakras, but are not exactly the same concept.

ChannelA Channel is a person who has made an Agreement to act as a voice or energy conduit for a non-physical source of inspiration, healing, or information. Often these Agreements are made between the channel and source before the channel is born, but sometimes a person will make the Agreement during life.
ChannelingThe process of receiving information from a non-physical source
Chief Feature

This is also called Chief Negative Feature. This is an Overleaf selected the Personality by the time adolescence is reached, and it reflects the approach chosen by the Personality to deal with fear. The Chief Feature is a stumbling block and challenge. A Personality can have more than one Chief Feature, and usually has at least two.

There are seven Chief Features: Arrogance, Greed, Impatience, Martyrdom, Self-Deprecation, Self-Destruction, and Stubbornness.

ConvergenceWhen parallels become too similar to support maintaining separate parallels, they merge together. This is called a Convergence. 
Core OverleafTo be added
Cynic (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Cynic Personality sees the world in terms of opposing the obvious or appearances or common assumptions. The Cynic knows there is almost always more than meets the eye and is always looking beyond the surface.

Poles: + Contradiction / - Denigration


Discrimination (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Discrimination, the lifetime revolves around learning how to make better choices and decisions for yourself.

Poles: + Sophistication / - Rejection

DivergenceA series of Decisions and Choices may lead to the need for creating new parallels. This is called a Divergence. 
Dominance (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Dominance, the lifetime revolves around learning how direct and lead those who are most needed and effective.

Poles: + Leadership / - Dictatorship


Emotional (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Emotional Center governs a sense of connection to others emotionally and within ourselves. Personalities who are Emotionally Centered take in life through their feelings.

Poles: + Perception / - Sentimentality

Energy RatioSee Focused/Creative Energy Ratio.
Energy RingA group of 12 Cadres that have a shared theme or goal.

A soul ‘family’ of about 1000 Essences who share a theme of consciousness. There are seven Entities within each Cadre. Once an Entity is formed, its membership remains the same for an entire Grand Cycle. Members of an Entity merge on the Astral Plane before the Entity moves on to experience the Causal Plane.

An Entity is composed many rows of up to seven Essences of all the same Role that make up a Cadence. A group of up to seven Cadences make up a Greater Cadence. Multiple Greater Cadences make up one of three Sides. The first Side of an Entity is known as the Truth Side, the second Side is the Love Side, and the third side is the Energy or Beauty Side.

Entity MateAn Essence that is a member of the same Entity as another Essence.
EssenceA fragment of the Tao. (See Spark.) The term Essence is more commonly used for a fragment that is currently participating in a Grand Cycle. Each Essence chooses one of seven roles when deciding to participate in a Grand Cycle. (See Role in Essence.) Essence can be considered a synonym for Soul.
Essence RecognitionTo be added
Essence TwinsA pair of Essences that have the same casting position from two different Entities who have agreed to coordinate their experiences for the entire Grand Cycle. Not all Essences have an Essence Twin. All Essence Twins are also Traveling Companions.
ExaltedTo be added
Expression Axis

The Expression Axis includes Overleaves that are associated with expression and creation of ideas, forms and functions.

For example, the Expression Roles are Artisan and Sage. The Artisan creates and brings new things to the planet, while the Sage entertains and makes us remember how to laugh. The Artisan is more one on one while the Sage likes to affect groups. The Artisan sees the world as a project, like a sculpture or canvas, while the Sage sees the world as an audience or playmates.


Flow (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Flow, the lifetime is learning how to relax, enjoy life, and let it unfold, trusting in Essence.

Poles: + Freedom / - Inertia

Focused / Creative Energy Ratio

This ratio in combination with Frequency generates a unique signature for each Essence within a Universe. The two values (focused and creative) in the ratio will add up to 100.

Those with a high percentage of focused energy tend to be more linear, direct, forceful, and action-oriented. Those with a high percentage of creative energy tend to be more abstract, spontaneous, omni-directional, passive, emotional, and nurturing.

A Personality that is completely rejecting Essence, or a very young child, tends to reflect the energy of the current gender: that is male = 100% focused and female = 100% creative. Thus, this ratio is also called the Male/Female Ratio.

FragmentTo be added
FrequencyFrequency is the exact point on a defined spectrum of energy that represents human sentience. Frequency in combination with the Focused/Creative Energy Ratio generates a unique signature for each Essence within our universe. Those with a frequency above 65 are considered to have a high Frequency, while those with a frequency below 35 are considered to have a low Frequency.


GoalThis is an Overleaf chosen by Essence when planning a lifetime for a Personality. The Goal is selected to be the primary motivator within the lifetime. There are seven Goals: Acceptance, Discrimination, Dominance, Flow, Growth, Re-Evaluation, and Submission.
Grand CycleTo be added
Greed (Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Greed is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of scarcity or fear of ‘not getting enough’, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving as though fixated on one or two things that cannot be satisfied to maintain a sense of self. This can be food, affection, money, love, for example.

Poles: + Appetite / - Voracity

Growth (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Growth, the lifetime revolves around gaining as much experience as possible, so as to use in future lives.

Poles: + Evolution / - Confusion


Higher Emotional (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Higher Centers take more energy to sustain so they are normally accessed only for brief periods. The Higher Emotional Center relates to absolute LOVE or agape.

Poles: + Love / - Intuition

Higher Intellectual (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Higher Centers take more energy to sustain so they are normally accessed only for brief periods. The Higher Intellectual Center relates to absolute TRUTH and provides whole complete insights and "knowing".

Poles: + Truth / - Telepathy

Higher Moving (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Higher Centers take more energy to sustain so they are normally accessed only for brief periods. The Higher Moving Center relates to a pure connection and recognition of ENERGY. It is pure creativity and recognition of beauty as it is.

Poles: + Energy / - Desire


Idealist (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Idealist Personality sees life in terms of how it ‘should be’ or how it can be improved. The Idealist navigates almost entirely based in expectations, sometimes without considering the necessary components for fulfilling an ideal.

Poles: + Coalescence / - Naivete

Impatience (Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Impatience is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of losing missing out or losing control of time, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving as though always fighting the clock, trying to control before being controlled, intolerant and agitated.

Poles: + Audacity / - Intolerance

ImprintingTo be added
Infant Soul AgeThis is one of the seven Soul Ages. Infant Souls are those that are new to being in bodies and new to the planet. The basic lessons of the Infant Soul are related to survival.
Infinite Soul Age

This is one of the seven Soul Ages. The Infinite Soul is not born but manifests via the physical body of a willing 7th Level Old Soul. The manifestation period must be very short (approximately 30 days), since the energy of the Infinite Soul can burn out the physical body.

The Infinite Soul arrives as a representative of the Mental, Messianic or Buddhic planes with the intent to impart the Logos: that is, to impart a teaching on Truth, Love or Beauty/Energy.

Michael has indicated that Lao Tzu, Jesus and Buddha were all Infinite Soul manifestations, emphasizing Truth, Love and Beauty/Energy, respectively.


An input is a channel or frequency through which an Essence becomes aware, processes, and comprehends. Each role has a specific number of inputs:

Scholars, Warriors and Kings have ONE input.
 Priests and Servers have TWO inputs.
 Sages have THREE inputs.
 Artisans have FIVE inputs.

Inspiration Axis

The Inspiration Axis includes Overleaves associated with receiving or providing inspiration.

For example, the Inspiration Roles are Server and Priest. Servers aspire to inspire others one on one, while Priests aspire to inspire others on a mass scale. Servers see the world as their honored guests, while Priests see the world as a congregation or "flock".

Instinctive (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Instinctive Center travels with you from life to life like a floppy disc. It stores all of your experiences ever gathered and all of your areas of growth still needed and all the areas you have come to peace with. It isn't very intelligent, but is more a storehouse and protective device. It is where all of your past lives are remembered and even this lifetime's history.

Poles: + Atomic / - Anatomic

Intellectual (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Intellectual Center governs beliefs, thoughts and communication. Personalities that are Intellectually Centered take in life through analysis and reasoning.

Poles: + Insight / - Reason

Internal MonadsTo be added


Jovial (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Grandeur / - Overwhelming


KarmaThe attempt to resolve a previous interference of someone’s choices that resulted in some kind of intensity.

King is a Role in Essence. It is an Action Role, and Kings leads us into action as a group. The King sees the worlds as a kingdom or realm.

Poles: + Mastery / - Tyranny


Life TaskThe Life Task is what Essence intended to experience in the lifetime through a particular Personality and/or "the original motivation for the physical form and for the dynamics of the Personality." However, what "Essence intends NEVER overrides what Personality decides." See Michael Speaks: July 2009.
Lunar (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Luminous / - Pallid


Male / Female Energy RatioSee Focused / Creative Energy Ratio.
Manifesting EssenceTo be added
Martial (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Endurance / - Impulsive

Martyrdom (Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Martyrdom is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of losing control, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving as though having a strong need for being in control of everything, victimized, burdened, complaining.

Poles: + Selflessness / - Victim

Mature Soul AgeThis is one of the seven Soul Ages. Mature Souls have learned all they could from having everything they have ever wanted; they've been rich, been recognized, and extracted whatever they thought was important to obtain from the physical plane. Mature Souls start to seek experiences focused on emotional connections and spiritual intimacy.
Mental PlaneTo be added
Mercurial (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Agile / - Nervous

Messianic PlaneTo be added

A convenient name we use to refer to what we understand as a specific family of consciousness (an "Entity" of over 1000 souls) who has experienced thousands of lifetimes and has completed their experiences in what we call "the physical plane," now teaching from another level of existence known as "the causal plane."

Michael chose the name during first contact simply because this was name of the last member of Michael’s Entity to cycle off the Physical Plane.

ModeThis is an Overleaf chosen by Essence when planning a lifetime for a Personality. The Mode is selected to be the primary way of approaching the Goal within the lifetime, and it is the Overleaf that most influences how a Personality approaches relationships. There are seven Modes: Aggression, Caution, Observation, Passion, Perseverance, Power, and Reserved.
MonadA single unit of experience comprised of two polarized parts that eventually create inherent lessons and resolutions. There are internal and external Monads.
Moving (Center)

This is one of the seven Centers. The Moving Center governs body movements and actions. Personalities who are Moving Centered are action-oriented and take in life through their bodies.

Poles: + Productive / - Frustration


Negative PoleOverleaves have Positive and Negative Poles, reflecting a range of how the Overleaf can be experienced by a Personality. Negative and Positive are not meant in the sense of bad and good, but are like the Negative and Positive poles of a battery: they are just different in dynamics. In the Michael teachings, the Negative Pole is considered to be less inclusive. The Positive Pole includes the Negative Pole.
Neptunian (Body Type)This is a relatively rare Body Type that Essence chooses for a Personality for specific reasons. Personalities may have Neptunian influence for lifetimes of rare, exceptional psychic abilities. These Personalities may be marked by the eyes in some striking way (even blindness).
Nexus This is another name for a Parallel Shift. When Parallels diverge to create new parallels, it is called a Divergence. When Parallels merge together, it is called a Convergence.


Observation (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. This is a neutral Mode, and the Personality with Observation Mode typically slides to (or uses) any of the other Modes as a preferred mechanism for dealing with a specific situation. Observation Mode seeks or creates consistency and/or meaning, and clarifies or proves intentions as related to the pursuit of the Goal.

Poles: + Clarity / - Surveillance

Old Soul AgeThis is one of the seven Soul Ages. Old Souls have gained the experiences to help them discover where they fit in, who they love, and they have answered some important questions about why they exist and "who" they are. They now begin to question everything on a larger scale. Old Souls have glimpsed the magnitude of the vastness of the Universe across all of their lifetimes and they realize their tiny place in it.
OrdinalTo be added

These are sets of characteristics of a Personality that are either chosen by Essence as part of planning for a lifetime, or that are adopted by the Personality in the early years of a life. The Overleaves are Goal, Mode, Attitude, Body Type, Centering and Chief Feature.

There are three types of Overleaves: True, Private and Public. (Add entries for each.)


Parallel shifts

Individual = happening throughout the year at any time deemed appropriate by the Essence

Community = a group of shared consciousness steers themselves into a reality of shared interests

Global = a collective Sentience of a given planet moves into various parallels for various explorations of reality as a whole

See also: Nexus, Convergence, Divergence

Part (of Centering)This is an Overleaf chosen by the Personality, usually within the first 3 years of life. The Part of Centering can also be called the Trap of Centering. The Part of Center influences how the primary Centering is generally used by the Personality. The Parts match the seven types of Centering: Emotional, Higher Emotional, Intellectual, Higher Intellectual, Moving, Higher Moving and Instinctive.
Passion (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. Passion Mode shows up in a Personality as one who feels he or she is already inside the whole picture, is creating history, is creating the point, and seeks to create meaning from the pursuit of the Goal. When Passion Mode can create meaning from experience, there is full support for the Goal with no inhibition and the Goal acts as food for the soul. When Passion Mode loses its capacity for creating meaning, then experience begins to be overwhelming, empty, and numbing.

Poles: + Self-Actualization / - Identification

Perseverance (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. When a Personality has Perseverance Mode, it often shows up as one who seeks consistency in the pursuit of the Goal, with completion of experiences an important element of that consistency. When consistency cannot be found, the Personality can begin to resist all new experiences. When consistency is found, the support for the Goal tends to be in terms of submersion and completion.

Poles: + Persistence / - Unchanging

PersonalityA living human being, a vehicle created by and for Essence to experience the Physical Plane. Each Personality has these Overleaves chosen by Essence to assist in managing the lifetime: Goal, Mode, Attitude, and Body Type. In the early years of life, each Personality settles on an Overleaf called Centering. By adolescence each Personality has adopted an Overleaf called the Chief Feature as a mechanism for managing fear.
PlatformTo be added
Plutonian (Body Type)This is a relatively rare Body Type that Essence chooses for a Personality for specific reasons. Personalities may have Plutonian influence for lifetimes of great impact on a massive scale. These Personalities may be marked by unearthly features, with the hair or head being exceptionally striking.
Positive PoleOverleaves have Positive and Negative Poles, reflecting a range of how the Overleaf can be experienced by a Personality. Negative and Positive are not meant in the sense of bad and good, but are like the Negative and Positive poles of a battery: they are just different in dynamics. In the Michael teachings, the Positive Pole is considered to be more inclusive.
Power (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. When a Personality has Power Mode, it shows up as one who displays oneself as one is at the moment, and must prove intentions behind the pursuit of the Goal. When intention is proven behind the pursuit of the Goal, then the support for the Goal tends to be a process of sharing, building upon the sense of presence that sharing brings with the pursuit of the Goal. If intention cannot be proven, the Personality can begin to feel diminished, invisible, and insignificant.

Poles: + Authority / - Oppression

Pragmatist (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Pragmatist Personality interprets the world in terms of what works. The Pragmatist can have a keen sense of efficiency and elegance.

Poles: + Practical / - Dogmatic

PriestPriest is a Role in Essence. It is an Inspiration Role, and Priests aspire to inspire others on a mass scale. Priests see the world as a congregation or "flock".
Private OverleavesCONSIDER adding this term
ProjectionUsing your past experience as a method of defining a current or future experience solely based on the past, without allowing for the potential for the current or future experience to be different. That is, assuming that what you feel is the conclusive truth. Or, attempting to impose your vision on someone else because of your own past experience, without regard to the experience of the other. See Reflection.
Public OverleavesCONSIDER adding this term


Re-evaluation (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Re-evaluation, the lifetime revolves around slowing down experience as much as possible, so as to assimilate past life influences.

Poles: + Simplicity / - Withdrawal

Realist (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Realist Personality sees life for what it is. Sometimes it sucks and sometimes it does not. Realists at their best do not take things personally and can be objective.

Poles: + Objective / - Subjective

ReflectionUsing your past experience as a method of informing you about a current or future experience without allowing yourself to believe that the current or future experience must necessarily have the same results. That is, understanding that what you feel may not be the conclusive truth. Or, using your past experience to empathize with another person. See Projection.
Reserve (Mode)

This is one of the seven Modes. Reserve Mode shows up in a Personality as one who must have the whole picture, the history, the point, and see that there is meaning to the pursuit of the Goal. When it is seen that there is meaning, then the support for the Goal tends to be incremental and specific, accumulating a pattern of meaning. When meaning cannot be anticipated or seen as possible, then internal struggles begin.

Poles: + Restraint / - Inhibition

Role in EssenceEach Essence chooses one of seven Roles for its participation in a single Grand Cycle. The Roles are Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest and King. The names of the roles indicate characteristics normally attributed to the roles, not the job or state of the Personality created by Essence to experience the Role in the current Grand Cycle.



Sage is a Role in Essence. It is an Expression Role, and the Sage entertains and makes us remember how to laugh. Sages see the world as an audience or playmates.

Poles: + Dissemination / - Oration

Saturnian (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Rugged / - Gaunt


Scholar is a Role in Essence. It is the only “neutral” Role, meaning it is the centerpiece and mediator of all other Roles. The Scholar studies life and observes, sometimes in strange ways, but always submerged in something their soul finds important to study, ranging from addictions and fear to science and wisdom. The Scholar sees the world as an object of interest or study.

Poles: + Knowledge / - Theory

Seed OverleafTo be added
(Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Self-Deprecation is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of inadequacy, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving weak, insecure and incompetent.

Poles: + Humility / - Abasement

(Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Self-Destruction is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of worthlessness or fear of ‘getting too much’, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving as though having no worth or value, or with a need to make sacrifices for others without gain.

Poles: + Sacrifice / - Suicide

Sentience / sentience

Consciousness + Pain/Pleasure = sentience.

Consciousness + Pain/Pleasure + capacity to transcend programming = Sentience

That is why the consciousness of a blade of grass or that of a tree is different from the sentience of a mammal and the Sentience of a Human or Gorilla or Cetacean.

From Future life and progression of our species


Server is a Role in Essence. It is an Inspiration Role, and Servers aspire to inspire others one on one. Servers see the world as their honored guests.

Poles: + Service / - Bondage

Skeptic (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Skeptic sees life as if it is to be inherently questioned and disproven, as something to investigate.

Poles: + Investigation / - Suspicion

SlidingTo be added
Solar (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Pole: + Radiant / - Ethereal

Soul Age

Soul Ages describe the basic stages every Essence will move through in the process of completing a Grand Cycle. The seven Soul Ages are Infant, Baby, Young, Mature, Old, Transcendental, and Infinite.

The first five Soul Ages must be completed for an Essence to cycle off the Physical Plane. A Transcendental Soul is born into a physical body as a representative of an entire Entity that has cycled off. The Infinite Soul manifests within the physical body of a willing 7th Level Old Soul; the Infinite Soul may be a representative of the Mental, Messianic, or Buddhaic Plane.

The important feature of Soul Age is not how long an Essence has been incarnating but what perspective about life the Essence is currently studying.


According to Michael, the Tao exploded out "fragments" of itself as a means to explore Itself and the universes It created. These fragments are referred to as Sparks.

Spark can be used as a synonym for Essence or soul, but Spark is more commonly used when referring to the Essence or soul that has returned to oneness with Tao or that is not currently participating in a Grand Cycle.

The Spark retains memories of all of its Grand Cycles. The Spark has a unique frequency and energy ratio within its universe.

Spiritualist (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Spiritualist sees life as if it has never been seen before. The Spiritualist looks for signs, interconnectedness, resonance and meaning in everything.

Poles: + Verification / - Belief

Stoic (Attitude)

This is one of the seven Attitudes. The Stoic Personality interprets life in terms of behavior and character vs. claims and descriptions. The Stoic interprets life with a spectrum of understanding that one's nature is naturally limiting, that one's environment is naturally constricting, that one's upbringing has its effects, and so on, and that all of these things contribute to the character and behavior of a person in a way that is somewhat deterministic.

Poles: + Tranquility / - Resignation

(Chief Feature)

This is one of seven Chief Features. Stubbornness is selected by the Personality as a result of fear of change or anything different, resulting in the Personality feeling or behaving as though unable or unwilling to deal with anything new or against set opinions, ideas, and environment.

Poles: + Determination / - Obstinance

Submission (Goal)

This is one of the seven Goals. When a Personality has a Goal of Submission, the lifetime revolves around learning where and how you are most needed and effective.

Poles: + Devotion / - Subservience


A Subpersonality is an aspect of the self with its own self-image, going so far as to even have its own posture, gestures, behaviors, feelings, etc.

Subpersonalities are a part of every Personality. There is no Personality that is a single entity.

See You and Your Subpersonalities.

Support CircleTo be added
Support OverleafTo be added



Oneness, "God"

Task CompanionsTask Companions are Essences committed to working on external, worldly projects and experiences with you. Essence always starts the incarnational cycle with at least one Task Companion, but can acquire as many as five during incarnations. Task Companions are usually from the same Entity.
Transcendental Soul Age

This is one of the seven Soul Ages. A Transcendental Soul is born into a physical body as a representative of an entire Entity that has cycled off. All Entities will incarnate as a Transcendental Soul in at least one parallel.

The Transcendental Soul is subject to the development of Chief Features and CAN reject Essence and any plans made for the incarnation prior to birth, but this is rare.

Michael has identified the following historical figures as Transcendental Souls: Gandhi, Socrates, Confucius, Mohammed, Zarathustra.

Traveling CompanionsTraveling Companions are those Essences within the same Cadre who occupy the EXACT same position across the seven Entities within the Cadre. An Essence Twin is also a Traveling Companion.
TriadTo be added; cover positive, negative, neutral
True Overleaves /
True Personality
CONSIDER adding this term
True ValidationCONSIDER adding this term
TruthInclude entries for Global Truth, Universal Truth, Personal Truth


Uranian (Body Type)This is a relatively rare Body Type that Essence chooses for a Personality for specific reasons. Personalities may have Uranian influence for lifetimes of extreme eccentricity. These Personalities may be marked by deformities or oddities of the body, or they may be considered "freaks".


Venusian (Body Type)

This is one of seven Primary Body Types. Body Types can be reflected physically, via nature, or via health characteristics. Needs to be expanded.

Poles: + Voluptuous / - Sloppy



Warrior is a Role in Essence. It is an Action Role, and Warriors stand as our protectors and builders, getting us motivated and instilling loyalty. The Warrior sees the world as territory or challenges.

Poles: + Persuasion / - Coercion

Wild CardTo be added


Young Soul AgeThis is one of the seven Soul Ages. This Age is like the adolescence of Soul Ages. The Young Soul seeks recognition, fame, excitement, stimulation, material rewards, and they are highly competitive.
Tags: sample tag


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