0209 Dream About a Friend from Another Parallel

Last modified by TLE Archivist TWO on 2024/04/25 21:16


MEntity: Hello to you, Diane. We are here, now. We can begin.

DianeHB: Hello Michael.

I had a dream about someone I became friends with who I didn't recognize. I can't remember how I met him, but it was through a friend of his who was new to TLE. He was a Michael student who studied the books and but wasn't involved in online communities. I think his name may have been Joshua, but I couldn't remember it upon waking up so I'm not sure. He was gay and had a son about 7 years old, and was living with an older man who may or may not have been his partner (that person seemed somewhat too distant, if he were the partner). I lost some details about the dream after waking, but several events happened during the dream that led up to his becoming vegan (something about his partner wanting to skin a dead animal he found to make leather, which grossed Joshua out). Becoming vegan was a realization after several events that triggered a movement away from eating and using animal products, the last one being the leather incident. In the dream, I spent time with him on and off over 3 weeks, and we became great friends. I was so disappointed when I woke up because I was really excited about the new friendship, and it seemed so real.

I have to ask, is this someone I have an agreement to meet? If so, when/how am I likely to meet him? He seemed like he could be a Sage and a writer, though it's just a feeling since I'm not sure that ever came up in the dream.

MEntity: We are assessing.

MEntity: We think we found him. You already know him. He is real and the scenario you dreamed is fairly accurate to the life circumstances and history. You accessed a parallel where this is a reality and it is likely that you would find some variation of this same sequence in "this" parallel and cross paths "here."

DianeHB: So I know him in another parallel but not this one?

DianeHB: Is Joshua the right name?

MEntity: If we have the correct fragment, you are correct that he is a Sage. You have Agreements to cross paths this year, but that is all we can see at the moment. The name "here" will either be the same or some variation on what you recall. Your recall was rather vivid.

DianeHB: I knew it was too real not to be true in some form. You've confirmed at least one of these types of dreams I've had before of seeing someone in a dream I've yet to meet.

MEntity: Yes, there is never a guarantee for crossing paths, of course. Your clarity of access is its own experiment and exploration. It is not tied to any compelling trajectory. It is a glimpse into the vastness of your realities.

DianeHB: It would be really sad if we don't end up crossing paths. The sense of intimacy faded after a few days, but I remember it was so compelling in the dream.

MEntity: It is more beautiful that you are sharing in that intimacy across parallels when this is usually not of any awareness beyond the one version of the self.

DianeHB: Yes, that's a good point. I just tend to want to hold on to it.

MEntity: For what it is worth, other versions of you find your relationships "here" to be awe inspiring in their range and intimacy.

MEntity: Another version of you only recently met "Tex." It was a long road to reunion.

DianeHB: Aww.



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