0506 Igniting Your Alien Within

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Recovering the part of us we forgot

Michael Teachings Workshop – Igniting Your Alien Within: recovering the part of us we forgot – May 6, 2023

Troy said:
Michael has shared the unbelievable and whackadoodle story of our origins as human consciousness that first incarnated within the Sirius Star System long ago.

In private conversations with Michael, they have spoken about the "alien within" that exists for most of us and remains suppressed, feeling displaced, and out of sync with our world. It is not only our old soulness that contributes to feeling different, but a deep and ancient wounding within us that keeps us from allowing ourselves to be fully present in our world as if we belong here. We navigate this world as if we are only visitors, at best. 

Michael will speak to us about this disharmony within that comes from our suppressed "alien within," how to honor this alien self, embrace it, name it, and bring it into a safe existence within this world so that we can unlock a level of wholeness, empowerment, confidence, and presence in this life.


Hello to each of you. We are here, now. We can begin.

Today we will work with all of you to explore the concept of your "alien within" that remains a seed at the core of your Being, deep within Essence, that has been carried with you collectively as a connection to our system of origins.

We will not delve into the origins of humanity today as they currently stand as theoretical and speculative and of little use beyond intuitive reception. Many of you feel the truth of our species' origins in another star system, but there is no way to validate this at the moment in your time.

Instead, we will focus on the alien within as a deep, subconscious aspect of ourselves (we include ourselves as part of the species, of course) that feels or has felt disconnected, displaced, or out of sync with the world. We see a great deal of this feeling as rooted in our ancient origins in the Sirius Star System, which has left a lingering sense of not belonging in our current human experience. The "alien within" contributes to feelings of vague or sharp emptiness, grief, and loss, as we may unconsciously long for a place or time where we once felt more at home.

The "alien within" could be said to represent the suppressed part of an identity that holds the key to unlocking greater wholeness, empowerment, and presence in your lives. By acknowledging, honoring, and embracing this "alien self," one can transform experiences of disconnection into a source of strength and understanding, allowing you to better navigate your lives and find a deeper sense of belonging.

WORKSHOP RESPONSE: We ask each of you to consider your sense of alien self and where it may stand in its presence in your daily life. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being rarely and 5 being daily, how often would you say that your alien self is present in your consciousness as a sense of disconnection, distance, emptiness, grief, loss, longing, etc.? We suggest not to overanalyze, but to consider a quick intuitive assessment.


RitaTdP: 4

DianeHB: 3

Andreas: 4

Uma: 5

Patty: 4

Timothy: 4

Sharvari: 4

Faye: 5

PetraB: 5

Jeroen: 5

Karl: 5

Ingun: 2-3

Maureen: 3

Cheryl646: 2

ConnorB: 5

Maureen: I may rationalize it when I feel it. I always assume it's because I'm a old soul in a younger soul world. 

christianf9645: 3

Sharvari: I'm the exact opposite. Instead of rationalising it, I put pressure on myself to be 'better' and to 'achieve my potential' because I'm afraid the world will never change to suit me.

JanetE: 1

RitaTdP: In my case, I am very functional in this world and love being here, but I always had the feeling of not being of this world.

Cheryl646: I’m very curious abt alien life and find myself watching programs about SETI or aliens in general

Andreas: Ironically, I don't consciously feel like 4 right now, but that was my intuitive answer. Probably because I have so many projects right now that stress is the dominant feeling. But I definitely have been there and probably would be if I wouldn't do my projects.

Ingun: I think I’ve gotten so used to it simply being a part of me, sometimes emptiness, sometimes longing.

Patty: I can rationalize the disconnect and distance as being a pretty neutral scholar. However, I regularly have this pang of "I wish I were home". I can be comfy cozy in my house, or another favorite place and I still feel this way. Having said that, we also moved house when I was 3, so maybe it's not the inner alien, but the inner child! Idk

ConnorB: Chocolate helps immensely, although my teeth might disagree.

Sharvari: Sugar, alcohol, weed... I think we all use a lot of escape/coping mechanisms to deal with this

Jeroen: Earth feels like my home, but I often feel like a lone wanderer living among human Sentience with some exceptions where I spend time with people who I do feel a deeper resonance too.

Ingun: And at the same time I love being here, on this planet, on earth.

Uma: To me it's the whole Physical Plane that doesn't feel like 'home', not just Earth, Humanity, or Sirius

MEntity: RESPONSE ASSESSMENT: The higher your number, the greater or the more conscious the wounding you carry from our displacement as a species. The lower your number, the more you have actively or passively embraced the human experience on Earth. We will elaborate.

Jeroen: But I love being here on Earth otherwise.

Maureen: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" <3


There are many factors that contribute to one's alien within feeling welcomed or feeling displaced. Not all factors are born of our displacement as a species, but are born of the individual life and its circumstances. However much the current life experiences contribute to feeling displaced, disconnected, and distanced from life, earth, and humanity, all of these experiences tap into that seed of wounding.

The feeling that your existence is unwanted, unnecessary, disposable, pointless, or meaningless, or that your existence requires apology, purpose (to make up for or justify your existence), or was imposed upon you can be caused by many factors in a life, but all of those factors will be tapping into that first displacement of your existence.

What we discuss with you today is that core, that inner alien in the depths of that seed of wounding.

RESPONSE ASSESSMENT: returning to your number assessment, we will also add that the higher your number, the more impact this wounding likely has on your life, and the lower your number, the more you have likely offset or reduced the impact of that wounding on this life.

As it is deeply understood by all of you to some extent what we mean by the alien within, we will not elaborate greatly on this. We know you know.

REFLECTIONS IN HUMANITY: At the core of this ancient wounding is the intensity with which our species felt the searing pain of being unwanted. An entire movement was in motion to exterminate us. We served no purpose. We merely existed as a nuisance.

The condemnation of our existence would be the equivalent of condemning an infant child for being a nuisance, for being needy, for being curious, for being demanding and requiring constant care.

This seed of pain reverberates throughout humanity and has been played out many times over in various ways. The effort to exterminate each other for merely existing continues to this day in your time.

When a child is taught that this is how others are to be treated, or that it is justifiable, precedence is set and the child will grow through a stage where this tactic is tested when confronted by the existence of others.

This is true of humanity, as well. Precedence was set for how evolving consciousness should treat others who do not comply.

Exterminate, oppress, exploit, control, or destroy those whose existence serves no purpose beyond the one assigned and assumed of them.

But humanity was not only left with this seed of wounding that created this alien within.

We were seeded with the greatest demonstration of kindness, compassion, and absolute love that we have ever experienced as a species.

We watched alliances form from across multiple species to come together to protect us, to provide us a home, and to nurture us.

The greater truth of our existence was revealed to us.

We were never truly unwanted.

We were so wanted that an entirely new planet was given to us.

We were seeded on Earth because it was not a planet of limited diversity where our differences would be amplified. We were seeded on a planet where the diversity is so immense, there is NOTHING but differences among us.

This left another seed within us at the very core of our Essences.

It will take lifetimes for that seed to see light and gain strength in humanity, but it is there.

This is the seed of AFFECTION. It is the part of you who seeks to reach out, that desires intimacy and relationships that celebrate and learn from differences, the part of you who chooses to live even as you often may despise existence.

This is the part of you who knows it is a lie that humanity is evil.

Affection is nurtured through REMEMBERING. Most of what you see in humanity as evil is the humans who are still remembering.

ALL of you are still remembering. Some remember more than others, sooner than others, but no one can remember faster or remember more than what the lifetime brings to prompt remembering.

The greatest "evils" among your species are relative to the degree of forgetting that is in place. 

We will define affection here as that part of you who cares.

We will define remembering here as the part of you that questions and improves the impact of your actions and intentions.

As you remember more, you gain great affection, and as you gain affection, you tap into the seed of healing that was planted in the core of us through the demonstrations of others to care for us.

WORKSHOP RESPONSE: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being I STRUGGLE GREATLY and 5 being IT IS GETTING EASIER AND EASIER, where would you assess yourself in terms of your active Affection for existence (this includes humanity, yourself, others, being alive)?

DianeHB: 5

Uma: 5

JanetE: 5

PetraB: 4

Andreas: 3

Timothy: 4

Patty: 5

Sharvari: 5

Maureen: 5

Jeroen: 5

RitaTdP: 5

Karl: 2 recently up from 1

ConnorB: 5

Faye: 4

Ingun: 5

Cheryl646: 4

christianf9645: 3


Again, many factors can contribute to one's willingness or one's capacity for Affection and it is not rooted in a rejection of this healing within. However, regardless of one's circumstances or capacity, there is always the ability to care. 

And this is demonstrated on a daily basis by each of you.

If you are alive, you care.

If you care, it means you have the ability to remember. If you have the ability to remember, you have access to affection. This is a cycle that can stay locked in a limited circle, or expand over time to spiral in effect and include more and more in your affection.

There are three areas of life where your alien within must gain affection, eventually:


Each of you will take a different a unique path through these territories.

Some of you will work on your affection for the self as a path to your affection for others. Some of you will work on your affection for life beyond humanity as a path to affection for yourself. And so on.

WORKSHOP RESPONSES: Which territory do you feel has been your primary entry to affection and toward which territory do you think this is helping you most directly of the other two?


ConnorB: Self.

Andreas: Hard to answer. It's more like a "for the greater good" thing for me.

Timothy: Affection for the self as entry to affection to others/humanity.

PetraB: For the Existence of Others/humanity

RitaTdP: Affection for the self as entry for the existence of others/humanity

ConnorB: Ah, there is a part two to this question. Self as the primary entry, working towards Others.

DianeHB: I would say Others/Humanity

Uma: Affection for the existence of life beyond humanity--it has been easy to feel unconditional love for animals, pets--which makes me feel love for everything/life/self

christianf9645: I feel affection for self has been the focus and moving in to affection for non humans.  I find affection for others to be conditional.  Ie. Affection for wife and firends and children but MAGA hats can fuck off

Ingun: Hard to say, it's all intertwined.

Cheryl646: I would also say for the existence of others....and the existence of life beyond greatly helps with that

Sharvari: FOR THE EXISTENCE OF LIFE BEYOND HUMANITY has been my primary entry to affection, through animal companions and love for natural life. Affection FOR THE EXISTENCE OF OTHERS/humanity has been a gateway to self-affection for me. I put my own struggles after I see other people having them too.

Faye: For the existence of life beyond humanity as entry to the existence of others/humanity

Andreas: Sorry, I really can't tell. It seems too different to any of these.

Jeroen: For the existence of life beyond humanity as a pathway to affection for others/humanity. I feel a deep love for many species.

Patty: The primary entry to affection is the existence of others/humanity. I suppose it's helping me find more affection for myself, and then for life other than humans.

Uma: Humanity seems to have a long way to go towards anything I could love unconditionally. I definitely see our cruelty and stupidity a lot

Karl: Other/humanity is helping myself. It has started to dawn on me that if I care for the well-being of other people, then I should care as much for myself as I am a People too. Hurting myself is counterproductive for the well-being of everyone.

JanetE: All three are intertwined

christianf9645: It is easier to find affection for life beyond humanity than for humans

Patty: Or finding affection for myself and life beyond humanity are happening about the same, but affection for others is for sure the entry.

DianeHB: Actually I'd change that to Self -- the more I feel affection for myself, the more I feel for others and beyond.

Ingun: Self and Other humans toward Life Beyond Humanity. In that direction.

PetraB: Funny, Existence of life beyond humanity, my first thought all the live out there in other Starsystems

Patty: I'm on par with Karl


RESPONSE ASSESSMENT: for those who could not choose one territory or felt they are equally intertwined, we would suggest that you reconsider by looking at your history, not where you are now. Did you find the plight and protection of others to be a focus? Did you find protecting, understanding and accepting yourself to be the focus? Did you find yourself making it a priority to reconsider personal choices and their impact on the world beyond humans?

One of the territories came first.

Andreas: Then Self into the other two for me.

christianf9645: Self then impact of choices

Sharvari: My answer is still the same. When I was a kid, I used to think my soft toys and dolls were alive. Loving them helped me love the humans in my life and eventually myself.


The reason it can be helpful to assess your natural inclinations of affection is that it can help you to see where your resistance or greater challenges may be. The third territory is key to your next steps into wholeness as a Being of Affection.

We would also like to address something important regarding the nature of Affection when it comes to those who you feel are undeserving of affection.

Andreas: Oh, wait. I have to pick one of the other two. Then I'll refine my answer to Self -> Others/Humanity.

Patty: Then I suppose my first answer is correct.


We are speaking in terms of HUMANITY, not HUMANS. We are speaking in terms of the collective body of your species and its existence. We are speaking of the collective evolution that you are witnessing across history. 

It is easy to conclude that humanity is exactly what it was accused of being millions of years ago: a pariah that does not belong and only brings destruction.

This perception is easily validated.

But it is only easily validated because that is the filter of wounding that humanity has in place at the moment. It is rare to emphasize the greatness of humanity. It is rare to emphasize the millions of people actively making an effort to improve life on Earth. It is impossible to see the unspoken or dismissed acts of kindness and compassion that are exchanged millions of times a day.

But it is easy to see genocide, war, exploitation, oppression, violence, etc.

This is easy to see because it is louder, but also because of your instinctive programming as a species to be on the lookout for danger.

And there is much danger.

When you see an individual human or a group of humans that you feel are undeserving of affection, this is not the point.

The point is that you see these individuals as pointing you in the direction of those who need your affection. 

This would include yourself, others, or life beyond.

Your alien within is your Instinctive Center.

It is the part of you who reacts or responds. 

Reactions tend to be fueled by Chief Features and False Personality while Responses are fueled by Essence and True Personality.

We wish to differentiate here between Reflexes and Reactions.

There are many who must endure oppression, marginalization, exploitation, suffering, etc. Reflexes must be used to navigate the surprises and pains of these circumstances. Reflexes are beneficial and healthy.

Reactions are defenses that spiral into destructive or anti-constructive behaviors.

For example, if someone were bullied and takes a stand for themselves, they are using their reflexes. If someone were disappointed by a personal failure or mistake and spirals into self-sabotage and self-loathing, this is reactionary.

Black Lives Matter is a Reflex movement. MAGA is a Reaction movement.

This is an important differentiation for you because you MUST take action sometimes that is not a conscious response, but bypasses the necessity for assessment and still carries meaningful intent and benefit.

WORKSHOP RESPONSE: Which of these methods do you feel is a fair assessment of your own tendency for navigating challenges: Reactions, Reflexes, or Responses?

RitaTdP: responses

Ingun: Responding.

Andreas: Uh. Could be everything.

Ingun: It's a conscious choice every day.

PetraB: Response and Reflex

Faye: Reflexes

Sharvari: Reaction, then Response after I've had some time to think about it.

Uma: Even when I React, I recognize that Responding requires more from me so I Respond accordingly. It's intentional

Andreas: Also depending on the actual challenge.

Maureen: Responses most of the time.

Karl: I think I use all three sometimes depending on context, but I tend more toward reflex.

DianeHB: A mix of reactions and responses I think. Reflex doesn't come up too often for me.

Cheryl646: mostly responses I think

christianf9645: Reflex tends to be dominant. I lived in reaction so long that it is habit so I have to catch it and transform it

Patty: Is there an example of a Response movement in current events right now?

Andreas: Probably reflexes mostly.

Timothy: Reactions or responses, based on energetic space at the time.

JanetE: I’m trying for responses. Often I still react. 

Patty: I think I'm mostly Reflexive in my attitudes, but I can fall into being reactionary on an off day during interactions with individuals.

Maureen: I allow myself to React knowing that it acts much like "peeling off a Band-Aid quickly" that gets you back to Response. 

ConnorB: Reaction.

Patty: I'm not sure I'm fully understanding the difference between Responses and Reflexes, if they both mean standing up for what's right.

Jeroen: I would say primarily responses with the other two coming into play at times.

Maureen: The trick is to not prolong your time in Reaction.

Ingun: I have a Lunar Body type (nature) and it can easily react, but I prefer being informed by the Instinctive center, so I can respond. So there is a choice in that.

PetraB: Instinctive = Reflex, don't know how you catch that, Ingun?

Patty: That's what I was thinking too, Petra. So if I take a stand for myself, would that be Reflex, but if when I take a stand for others then it would be Responsive?

Ingun: Michael has shared before “that Lunar can often be run by Instinctive reactions and defenses much more quickly and readily than other Body Types, depending on the degree of consciousness managing the body”. So I can stop myself from reacting.

PetraB: How about Reflex then, that is what I understand when coming from the instinctive center?


Reflexes and Reactions are both bypassing conscious intent, but Reflexes develop over time as one gains experience and knows what works to protect the self. Reactions are raw and immediate and closed to anything more than defense, and does little to address the hurting or harm. 

This is not to say that reactions are bad or wrong. We only wish to bring awareness to these processes so that they are understood.

Reflexes are different from Responses in that Responses come with thought.

Reflexes are born of necessity. Reactions are born of fear.

This is why we can say that Black Lives Matter is an example of a Reflex movement vs a MAGA movement.

Reflexes and Reactions cannot be "caught" or diverted. They either happen or they do not. When it appears that they have been "caught," it is because you are actually Responding.

The tactic to allow room for Reactions and Reflexes but to then follow up with Responses can be quite empowering.


With all that we have invited you to consider above, we now suggest a method here for how to ignite the alien within so that you exist in a closer state of wholeness as a human being, earthling, and being who exists.


This is a profound and heartbreaking key that is lost to most of humanity.

You are animals.

You were never more or less. Sentience with a Capital S is not above being sentient with a small s.

Sentience is gained through being sentient, and being sentient means having the capacity to know suffering or pleasure. That only real difference between Sentient and sentient is the ability to choose.

When one rejects oneself as part of the animal kingdom, regardless of planetary origins, one sees this reflected in behaviors and perceptions of all in existence.

You will treat or dismiss the existence of animals in the same way that we were treated when we were displaced, unwanted, and expendable. For those who are deeply asleep and rejecting of the animal/alien within, this extends to any other person or animal who does not comply to expectations or similarities.

Igniting your Alien Within is to ignite and awaken the animal within.

We began as lemur-like beings who loved to gather and play and share in delights. We remain with this animal/alien within at the core of us. However much anxiety, social dysfunction, distance, division, dismay, disgust, etc. you may feel for humanity or for existence, at the core of each of you is the animal who simply wants to gather, play, and share in delights.

Not all circumstances for every person will allow for this, but the alien within finds a way. It will always find a way. For many of our students, you gather in this community because your alien within is alive and well and seeks others, seeks to play, and seeks to share in delights that you experience.

Igniting the Alien Within includes resting into the reality that you are animal, a creature sharing in existence, not a god above existence. Your teachings may speak of higher selves, gods within, creating reality, magical thinking, oversouls, reincarnation, higher planes, etc. but none of this exempts you from the fact that you are animal.

Igniting the Alien Within means no longer assuming existence is something you must escape or endure. It means letting yourself BE THE MESS YOU ARE, THE JOY YOU ARE, THE FEAR YOU ARE, THE PLAYFULNESS YOU ARE, THE ANGER YOU ARE, etc. THE ANIMAL YOU ARE.

Animals may seem not to be burdened by the same impositions of a human society, but they are. They must navigate the horrors and delights that humans bring to the planet. They are directly impacted by this, and to some extent even more than humans.

And yet, your dogs will still delight in your return home; your cat will delight in simply being fed; your chickens will delight in scratching the ground; your cows will delight in galloping; your pigs will delight in belly rubs, etc.

Ignite your Alien Within through your delights, through being with others, and through sharing. These three elements are key to your alien within, your animal within, recognizing its place in existence as meaningful, confident, and whole.

Change how you see yourself among animals, not how you see yourself among spirits, the universe, or existence. See yourself among the animals as another animal. If you are not actively being constrained, tortured, or in survival, you can bring that animal to the dynamic of who you are and bask in the moment, or day, or life of simply existing because you CAN.

Letting yourself be the animals that you are means giving yourself permission to play on Earth with everyone else. This is your home. These are your friends. This is a world that made room for us.

We are wanted. You are wanted. The mess that you are is beautiful and we know this because others have seen it so clearly that they moved planets for us. Humanity will continue to grow up, even if painfully and violently sometimes, but it will grow toward universal compassion. You are part of that.

The more that each of you bring the alien within into the light and presence of existence, the less it will be locked away as a dangerous and unwanted element of self that must justify or impose its existence.


How does all of this resonate with each of you? Do you feel a sense of remembering? Do you feel a motivation to shine more, to be more, to allow more of you to be known, shared, and loved? Do you feel the importance of exist as a part of nature as animals and not above nature as gods imprisoned in flesh? You need not answer each question, but a general assessment is requested regarding your overall resonance.

Uma: Yes, it resonates deeply and is very inspiring.

DianeHB: Yes, very resonant

Timothy: I feel some resonance

Uma: Makes me see possibilities--there goes the Spiritualist!

Andreas: I do have this wish for a longer time already, but this viewpoint is new to me. Very interesting.

christianf9645: This seems to tie with wholeness. So it is interesting the consistency.

ConnorB: It prompted tears and laughter at various points, which usually happens when I remember something. Something very old.

PetraB: All what You said Michael, resonates deeply, I shed the tears of truth alredey!!!

Patty: Yes, I like the idea of being a playful animal, lol. I think it will add a new perspective to how I interact with other animals, even human ones.

RitaTdP: I feel a sense of remembering and a motivation to shine more. I particularly like the thought of being part of nature and not being imprisoned in human form.

Maureen: I can feel myself softening and opening up more... like a flower blooming.

Karl: It makes the prospect of spending more time hanging out with people less daunting, and brings lightness and fun to the idea of existence where I'm mostly used to dread.

Uma: Seeing the connection between Affection and Healing gave me some insights and recognizing that Affection can trigger Healing blew my mind, frankly.

Faye: What you all described about the wounding of humanity very deeply reflects my own personal wounding and the healing of that wounding and igniting the animal within is intensely reflecting of my own processes of healing. It is lovely and healing and mending to once again to hear what I have known without words, in your words.

Andreas: Yeah, what Faye said.

Jeroen: What you shared resonates a lot with me especially what you shared about Sentience/sentience and us being animals. I already feel at home and a deep resonance among animals, nature, and the cosmos. I like the idea of reigniting the ancient bonds with other humans as animals and as friends who play together and enjoy the pleasures life has to offer.


We encourage all of you to continue through your community the conversation and support and anecdotes and to expand on the possibilities.

We know that a discussion such as this will not remove the troubles of the world from you or to protect you from the hardships of existence, but it is vital as your friend and as a teacher to remind you of what is possible alongside or between the states of struggle.

Good day to each of you. We will end with one remarkable truth about existence after the Physical Plane: most of us continue to delight in our existence as animals and as Earthlings by representing ourselves even in the high planes in forms that reflect our nostalgic existence in physical bodies. We do not have to do this. We do this because however challenging the Physical Plane was, there is a beauty in its existence that stays with us forever. Goodbye, for now.