0728 2023 Michael & Petra via Troy!

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/03/24 16:27

2023 Michael & Petra via Troy!

MEntity: Hello to you, Petra. We are here, now. We can begin.

July 28th 2023  Hello Michael via Troy!

I have collected excerpts from what You had to say about the Origins of our Universe and Architect Bonds, here is the tour, questions will follow:

Private Live Chat Connor Behm, 21st July, 2023, Origins of our Universe, Channeled by Troy Tolley Excerpt:


Consciousness, whether in a body or with no body, creates through ideas and these ideas create a gravity around which matter collects and takes form in various degrees of material dimensions.

To create a new universe, a type of inversion occurs. This is done from the "edges" of another universe. An evolution of consciousness brings that state of consciousness to a point of massively excited states so that a building of pressure (for lack of a better term) continues until is bursts through the fabric of that universe to spill/explode beyond it.

In this excitement and explosion beyond a universe, it automatically creates a new space, if you will. All universes are contained within what would look like a cube and they are stacked in groups.

From Jeroen's Session:


It may be appropriate here to introduce a term for bonds with specific dynamics that carry through Grand Cycles. These bonds could be described as Architect Bonds, a type of Configuration that links sparks together through various Grand Cycles for specific themes of interest. These are broad tasks of experimentation and observation rather than for achieving any particular task or objective.These links transcend the necessity of being part of the same Design or species or even planetary system.

We use the term architect bonds because the results of sustaining such a bond brings great contribution to the improved structures of sentience over our unfathomable time of Grand Cycles. As the universe moves further into higher average numbers of Grand Cycles, the contact between Sentient species will grow more and more stable in a way that does not require separate evolutionary paths.

In other words, rather than long arcs of evolution with a highly unstable variable for off-planet travel or contact, and then long arcs of discreet observation and contact before the risk of mainstream confirmation, Grand Cycles would start with contact and recognition among all Sentient species and with accelerated deployment of methods for travel and contact.

Your Quintet is contributing to that progress.

Jeroen: I love that very much.

From my Session May 30th 2023

Does my Essence has Architect Bonds?  

MEntity Yes, 7.

Question One: Is my Essence then in an Octet Configuration with my other Architect Bond Mates?

AND, would the same explanations You gave us for Configurations apply for Architect Bond Configurations, examples:


A QUINTET (5) is a Configuration for "expanding experience/awareness."

AN OCTET (8) is a Configuration for "anchoring differences."?

From my Session June 2nd 2023

MEntity: There are long-term effects of Architect Bonds that we have yet to see come into full effect. These are bonds that are part of an "end game," if you will. All Architect Bonds will play into a major "flip" in the universe when that time comes. All universes reach a point of expansion or contraction that creates an inverse or flip. It is something like a total reset. When this occurs, all Architect Bonds are held and these help carry all fragments through this transition. We can share more about this in a dedicated discussion, but that is a general idea.

Question Two: I'd like You to share more about "this" general idea, as it ties into Connors Session about the Origins of our Universe?


In response to ONE:

Yes, your Architect Bonds are part of a Configuration. The general themes can apply in terms of how the Configuration works, but each Configuration of Architect Bonds would have their unique theme.

Architect Bonds are forged and never break. Once they are forged, they are permanent. And by permanent, we mean that we have yet to see any break in these bonds across multitudes of Grand Cycles.

They act as a kind of permanent quantum bond, so to speak, that reflects the theory of superposition's and entanglement. We suspect that without Architect Bonds, fragmentation of consciousness would have no evolutionary path. Architect Bonds help propel and perpetuate the evolution of all fragments.

Imagine two people on roller skates. They share a long elastic band between them. One of the two people skates forward rapidly and tugs on the elastic band, propelling the second person to zoom past the first, and that person then tugs on the band to propel the first person, etc.

This is how it would work with only two in a configuration/entanglement, but when there are 4, 5, 6, etc. the energy generated among all of the elastic bands, so to speak, is more and more massive.

As Architect Bonds grow in number, and Architect Configurations grow in number, the complexity and refinement of the next universe is improved. Not only is this refinement and complexity improved by experience carried forward, but by the amount of energy that is generated by the additional bonds and configurations. With this in mind, we do think that Universes have "Soul Ages".

If we were to consider the patterns that we know of within our scope of study, we would say that our current universe is the equivalent of 1st Level Baby. This is separate from the average Soul Age within a universe. This is a soul age of a universe within the context of evolving universes.

New Architect Bonds will be forged in this universe and they will be added to the fuel of evolution through the next universe.

There is likely more that we could discuss from further questioning. Our response today will add to the conversation without too much overwhelm. Did our responses address your questions?

PetraB: What is the unique theme of the Architect Bond Configuration my Essence is part of?


As these unique themes have greater contexts beyond what we can see, we can only describe a theme in limited terms. Consider our description to be an approximation, not exact.

In your case, it would be: CONFLICT RESOLUTION - there seems to be a pattern among your Configuration that has been contributing to better ways to run a universe with friction, but with minimal conflict. Friction is vital for evolution, so there is always a necessity for some range of resistance that creates friction, but it need not lead to conflict.


Thank You so much Michael, I will digest the info given.

Energy-Ring, Cadre/Entity, Casting/Role, Soul Age/Level, of the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

MEntity: 5th Level Mature Artisan-cast Sage from Cadre 1, Entity 2, Energy Ring 2.

PetraB: same question for the composer Frederic Chopin?

MEntity: 4th Level Mature Scholar-Cast Priest from Cadre 2, Entity 2, Energy Ring 2.

PetraB: same question for Sinnad O'Connor?

MEntity: 5th Level Mature Artisan-Cast Priest from Cadre 2, Entity 7, Energy Ring 2.

PetraB: Thank You very MUCH for this excellent delivery, Michael & Troy!!!

MEntity: Good day to you, Petra. Goodbye, for now.           



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