Cadre 2 Knowledge Position

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2023/06/19 18:13

This was originally posted by Geraldine on 10/13/11

Here's some channeling I collected back in 2007:

Your Cadre is of the "Knowledge" position within the 12 Cadres of your Energy Ring. This lends a theme to each fragment from Cadre 2 to have a bent toward a search, experience, integration, and expression of KNOWING. We will define "knowing" here as completing experiences that bring with it comprehension. Most from Cadre 2 do not approach experiences "half-heartedly" or piecemeal, so to speak, but dive in for the full run. This brings to your Energy Ring the support of endurance and perseverance that is then shared physically, emotionally, energetically among the rest of the Cadres in various ways. Cadre 2 brings with it a great amount of presence to the paradigm of politics in your world at this time, offering Mature perspectives that help bring a holistic shift of perception to all Soul Ages extant.

There is often a dichotomy involved with those from Cadre 2 in that there is a clear sense of personal truth, but often this conflicts with truths around that fragment, and many from the Cadre carry with them the process of resolving this Self-Karma. This process often leads one through phases of lying (to others and to the self) or upholding presentations of the self vs revealing the self, until there is comprehension of the safety in honesty and sincerity.

Many from Cadre 2 elect themselves to positions as resources for others in the world, often finding great satisfaction from others taking up that invitation, but often forgetting to be a resource for themselves. This is also resolved over lifetimes, but we have seen this as a recurring theme that requires "remembering" even within each lifetime. [Nodding my head here, too......]

In other words, many from Cadre 2 forget about maintaining the "infrastructure" of themselves and their relationship to themselves while in the process of providing themselves to others as resources.

Most from this Cadre go through a revelation during a lifetime wherein facades are stripped away and truths accepted as a means to become stronger internally. Many from this Cadre keep the rewards of facades intact until the late Mature and Early Old stages of the soul.

However, we do not wish to imply that these facades are a "bad thing," because these are often reliable tools for people in positions of politics and provision.

We can continue with various facts about Cadre 2, but this can go on indefinitely. We remind you that we speak of generalities and we speak of processes that last over many lifetimes so that you, as personality within this lifetime, may or may not resonate completely with what we have described.

We will add that it could be said that those from Cadre 2 are those who keep the questions flowing [hmm, what cadre is Xenobia in?? just kidding...] so that answers may be found, acting as facilitators of insight for other fragments, either by providing the insight, or igniting that insight from within the other fragment.



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