0614 It's ok to take a break for now

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/03/12 20:59

It's ok to take a break for now channeling by Babylove

60M channeled by Nicholas (Babylove) Sweeney 

Note from Archivist: The TLE Library is primarily an archive of sessions channeled by Troy Tolley, and all work presented here should be assumed to be channeled by Troy unless a note like this one is included. 

Babylove (aka Nick Sweeney) was mentored by Troy, and participates in the TLE Community as a student. We have elected to post sessions channeled by Nick in this library if shared within TLE because these sessions often continue conversations begun with a session channeled by Troy or vice versa. Other content channeled by Nick may be found by searching for ChannelNS.

June 14, 2023

TODAY I had a session with Nick. I put a lot of detail in the question... but I'll just summarize it here because most of what I wrote in the question is just a rehash of my rants that I wrote in TLE in the last month. I don't feel the need to repeat everything here.

Then briefly I asked about the freeze response.. which seems to be my main stress response.. I said that this freeze frustrates me and which I honestly see as the worst response as it prevents me from making necessary changes in my life. So I asked how to stop this freezing.

The second question was about an excerpt from a session I had with Michael via Troy in 2021... this excerpt:

"MEntity: Luciana, it's good that you recognize the impact of your childhood on your psyche. However, it is important to see this past as information, not an anchor. You are not in the past now. You are here, now. You are a child, an adult, a soul, a personality, a woman, a heart, a mind, etc. you are far more than just your childhood.You are all of your emotions, and all of your truths, and all of your good. If you are working on embracing the greater reality of who you are, it means letting yourself be defined by new experiences, not only those of the past."

So it's been almost two years.. but honestly I think I still haven't managed to remove that anchor. Maybe the anchor is too heavy and I'm just not strong enough.

So the question was about removing that anchor.


Luciana, before we specifically address your questions, we want to say that we know you are frustrated and discouraged due to your very real challenges and realities that stem from your childhood experiences and patterns as well as what you have come to accept as Obsessive Compulsive patterns at the intellectual and emotional level. It is good to acknowledge the frustration and discouragement, especially when you are working so hard to love, to heal, and to grow. Sometimes it is ok to "take a break" from the hard work and simply let go. Do nothing. Even wallow, roll around in your frustration and discouragement. Give yourself permission to be frustrated and discouraged and even ANGRY (which is underneath the frustration and discouragement). Give yourself permission to be exactly where you are with all of this. It is ok to take a break from striving to heal, grow, and improve yourself.

We have many things to say through our channel, and we may not get to all of them in the time allotted, but we will do our best.First-it might be good for you to shift your attention to SELF-CARE for a while. If you choose to "give yourself a break" from working so hard and striving to improve, then you can redirect your attention and choices to loving yourself and taking better care of yourself. This includes TREATING YOURSELF to what is GOOD, LIGHT, PLEASUREABLE.

We are sure you can come up with your own activities and "treats" for yourself that will feel good, and we can offer a few:

body-work (massage, energy work), dancing, art, reading, hiking, travel, rest/sleep, movies/tv, etc.

What we are suggesting is to take a break from working so hard and consuming yourself with how to improve and turn your focus to simply giving to yourself in ways that feel good. This is a form of loving yourself, and you can return to your hard work when you are ready.

Secondly -- as we have spoken with you before about the truth that much of your work is about learning to distinguish between the fearful and critical voices inside of your consciousness (that have been much influenced from other voices and programming from your past) and your true, loving voice. We think this is an area of focus for you to give your attention to when you are ready to "work hard," again, if you choose to take a break.

What we are saying is that you can choose to spend a great deal more time SPEAKING TO YOURSELF LOVINGLY, COMFORTING YOURSELF THROUGH WORDS. You are learning to REPARENT yourself and give yourself the love, comfort, reassurance, support, etc., that you did not and do not get from your parents.

It can help to think about how your most loving and parental self would behave and speak towards a young child who is lonely, anxious, afraid, and discouraged. From your most loving perspective and wisdom, from your TRUE VOICE, you would never tell this child to give up on herself. With patience and strength, you would nurture her and always communicate to her that she is ENOUGH and that she can heal and grow and nurture her dreams. You would be there for her unconditionally as her friend, cheerleader, healer, comforter, coach, motivator, etc.

This is what your commitment must be toward yourself, toward the frustrated, tired, and discouraged parts of yourself. You must learn to speak to those parts kindly and with encouragement. And part of that voice can say as we are saying:

"It's ok to take a break for now and go play. It's ok to set these troubles aside and go get some ice cream and enjoy the sunshine in the park. You are wonderful just as you are. When you are ready to begin the work again, I'll be here for you to hold your hand and walk you through as long as you need me."

We are sharing all of this with you because THIS IS YOUR LIFE. This is your reality. All of this is yours. It may be frustrating, annoying, discouraging and more, but it is yours, and it is what you have to work with.

The fundamental choices are to give up on yourself and resign yourself to a life of self-hate and self-criticism and self/other blame. This is the choice to be a victim.
Or the choice to continue loving yourself and moving forward, even if that forward movement can sometimes seem unbearably slow.
And sometimes it can be. And this is why you need regular breaks, rest, self-care, and play.

We know that you are not giving up on yourself and that that is why you are working with us today, but there is a subtle part of you frames all of this experience and work from the perspective of WHAT'S THE USE? This is the very part that you must learn to speak to from your TRUE VOICE, with love.

We have much more to say, but we will move on to your specific questions with the time we have left.

1) Regarding the freezing, you may not be able to stop it completely. But you may be able to reduce the amount of times you freeze when you are with others and the duration of time you are frozen when with others. If you are aiming to stop the freezing completely, you may never get this result. But it is not necessary to stop it completely. So, it may be better to INCLUDE freezing as a part of who you are. Sometimes you freeze. So what? What is important is that you are not frozen for as long as you continue to work on yourself over time. What is important is that you can see your progress over time and see that "this week, I only froze 2 times, whereas in the past I would have frozen 15 times."

"Look how far I've come!"

And we will include what we have suggested in previous conversations with you that it is ok to say to another in the moment "I have this thing that I do when I don't know what to say or when I think what I have to say is not appropriate-I freeze. I'm freezing right now. "Related to this, it is ok to say to others BEFORE you freeze that you have a tendency to freeze up.

This is how you help others get to know you. This is how you can be honest, authentic, and intimate with others. This is also how you can learn who your "real" friends are. Your real friends will love you for who you are. They will love you for your "good" and "bad". Because EVERYONE has their "good" and "bad". You are not alone in this.

Also, your assumption that others will judge your thoughts in the moment as inappropriate is a BELIEF that you would do well to verify. You do not know how everyone will respond to sharing your honest thoughts in the moment. But if you do not share them, then you will not be able to "find" your "real" friends, those that love you just as you are.

So, if you so choose, do not aim for perfection in this, for completely eliminating freezing. Aim for progress and lessening of the freezing over time.

2) Everything you have been doing, and everything we have shared just are ways to help free you from this anchor to the past. You are doing the work, and if you choose to rest from the work and set it aside for awhile, you will return to this work, again.

There is no magic fix for this, Luciana. You will either give in to fear and give up on yourself, or you will continue to love yourself, heal, grow, and have the experiences you need to prove to yourself that you are loveable and beautiful just as you are.

A helpful mantra for continuing to put your past in the proper perspective, to be able to honor the past but not be anchored to it might be:


Finally, we encourage you to look into the lives of others who have had/who have more challenging obstacles in life than you and to invite inspiration from their stories of how they managed to overcome their fears and obstacles and commit to loving themselves.

There are literally thousands of these stories available to you. You are not alone. Many others have their struggles, too. And if they can move forward, even with far more challenging obstacles than you, then you can move forward, too.

Luciana, your heart's dreams are in reach. You just have to keep going. Rest. Then keep going. Play. Then keep going. Love yourself. Then keep going. Love yourself while you are going.

A part of you knows this, and as you continue to heal and grow and release yourself from the past, this knowing will move more to the forefront of your consciousness.

We will conclude here for today. Good day to you, Luciana and goodbye for now.