King, Server-cast (DianeHB)

Last modified by TLE Archivist TWO on 2024/10/18 07:51

From DianeHB: I found Troy's Yahoo! Group (precursor to TLE) in 2007 after encountering the Michael Teachings about a year before. I found Michael as a result of searching for commentary on a channeled book series called The Right Use of Will. At the time, I still thought channeling was "taking dictation" and took it literally, and that series became very convoluted from the second book on. It prompted me to look for reviews of this series, and I found a channeled commentary from Shepherd Hoodwin, and I was really impressed by this grounded, no-nonsense voice. Michael also used the term "mind-fuck," which I'd never seen before and thought they were swearing. I was very entertained by this and decided to look into who Michael was. I never left.

Essence Dynamics:

  • 3rd Level Old
  • Focused/Creative Ratio: 60/40
  • Frequency: 40
  • Essence Twin: Artisan
  • Lifetimes: 279
  • Grand Cycles: 11
  • Raw Number: 127

Personality Dynamics:

  • Goal: Flow > Dominance/Growth
  • Mode: Observation > Perseverance
  • Attitude: Pragmatist > Realist/Spiritualist
  • Center/Part: Intellectual/Emotional
  • Body Types: Lunar 15% (Health)/Venus 25% (Nature)/Mercury 60% (Appearance)
  • Chief Features: Stubbornness > Self-Deprecation, Arrogance, Greed

Life Task: 

"To act as conduit among otherwise-conflicting sources"

Alternate: "To be myself"

How Michael describes me:

"The fragment in question is one who upholds curiosity as a priority for fueling the life, and has taken great pains to keep this alive for herself and in herself. This curiosity is the starting point for everything meaningful, from profound self-forgiveness and healing to more authentic perception and expression.

This high curiosity also comes with a price that is restlessness and boredom, and these states have been a struggle for her to navigate, but over time she has learned to turn these into prompts rather than leave them as states.

Future lives see this current life as one where there was a shift from REMEMBERING WHO YOU ARE, to REMEMBERING TO BE WHO YOU ARE."