0706 Future life and progression of our species - 2100 CE +

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0706 Future life and progression of our species - 2100 CE +

Entry posted July 6, 2017

******* Notes

This is a follow-up private session to a dream I had earlier this year. I asked Michael about that dream recently. The session covers topics relating to discoveries and advancements our civilization might make starting at around 2100 CE. Michael did mention that this is not a prediction. Instead the information is based on what they can see currently. I asked for a brief description of my future lifetime towards the end of the session. I restructured the session a bit to organize by each of the sub-topics.

MEntity: Hello to you, Jeroen. We are here, now. We can begin.


Hello Michael.

I recently asked you about a dream that may have been tied to preparation of my next lifetime and where the word “transmigration” was provided to me. Below is part of the information you provided:

"We are not certain, but this appears to have been your slipstreaming into the process of preparation for a future lifetime.

That future is connected to advancements in interplanetary exploration and a wave of chaos that has been generated around revelations related to that.

Oh yes, the plans are already in progress, not only because there is a bit of non-linear time frames at work, but because this current life is quite hooked into its own arc of existence. This life is far from over so some of the patterns have yet to be initiated from your perspective, but the arcs involve PRESERVING AND PROGRESSING CIVILIZATION .

We can explore this further in other exchanges as we now have access to a great deal of information about that life.”

Per information you were able to access, would you describe my next lifetime and what the world and our civilization is like during this time? I would also like to know more about advancements made in interplanetary exploration if you have that information available.


This is a future lifetime, but may not be your "next" lifetime. The lifetime we describe is around 2100 CE. It is a period of fairly stable peace on the planet after recovering from a wave of catastrophic events. Despite several blows to the species, technology continues to stay on course and this included expansion of territory for exploration in space and increased sensitivity and reception.

This leads to clear discovery of ruins in a planetary system that hosts one of the "Goldilocks" worlds.

By 2100 CE it is fairly well established and accepted that the universe is shared with other intelligent and sentient Beings, but the process of discovery and confirmation has barely begun.

What is most striking about this discovery is not that there are ruins indicating off-planet civilization, but that the technology determines that there has been hominid activity that parallels Human culture.

By 2100 CE there are Orbital Cities functioning, a base on the Moon, and several successful Mars expeditions. This pattern toward that probability starts to accelerate around 2020. One of the reasons technological development can continue even while there may be catastrophic events is due to distance from the effects.

Jeroen: Was this discovery made from Earth or are people traveling outside of the Solar System by then?


The discovery at the time is one due to a relay system in place for chaining together instruments launched for deeper exploration.

Each instrument is designed much like "Russian dolls" in that once one reaches its greatest reach, it launches a smaller version out of itself, and so on.

The first several only have minimal functions and focus mostly on reception and relay, while the final 2 are highly maneuverable and sensitive with several functions.

Jeroen: I understand. That is a neat design for being able to capture data from distant places and then being able to relay that information back.

MEntity: People are not traveling beyond the Solar System by that time, but artificial and virtual intelligence does.

Jeroen: Could you describe advancements made in artificial and virtual intelligence?


The wave of chaos that comes from the discovery is mostly in terms of speculation and panic that Humans have somehow already traveled to and settled on this "Earth 2" or that reaching further into space only reveals a reflection back or forward in time of our own local system, or that we should accelerate efforts for contact.

By 2100 a wave of transhumanism is well under way with quite incredible leaps in artificial and virtual intelligence, along with breakthroughs in manipulation of micro-robotics that can take the shape of nearly any object, much the way atoms work.

Virtual Intelligence is fairly integrated into nearly all modern civilization by this time, and integrated into wearable and injectable technologies. These are networked and each part contributes to the processing capacity that sustains the network.

Virtual Intelligence is highly reliable and counted upon for transportation, running cities, growing crops, managing controlled atmospheres, cleaning water, scrubbing oxygen, teaching children, etc.

This is already set in place in your time.

That line of probability is already in place as a Vector.

The Vector leads to full integration of humanity with Virtual Intelligence and even amid great blows to humanity, it will likely remain a part of humanity unless there is a deliberate and hard reset, so to speak.

Jeroen: I understand. As a result of the advancements in virtual intelligence and associated technologies, will this help to heal and sustain the environment on Earth?


As for Artificial Intelligence, this is integrated in limited ways by 2100. It is in a learning phase, if you will, where Artificial Intelligence is implemented in many social settings such as home care, health care, customer care, interfacing, etc. where interactivity is high, but mostly as "the face" of virtual intelligence.

It could be said that Virtual Intelligence is the development of the bodies, while Artificial Intelligence is the development of the mind. These work quite well together.

Virtual Intelligence is limited in range of choice, much like the Instinctive Center, while Artificial Intelligence expands upon the range of choice with every choice made and understood.

Oh yes, the advancements in Virtual Intelligence helps to reduce, repair, and reverse effects from most catastrophic events.

Keep in mind that what we describe above is what we can see from "here," but this may look very different as we move toward these events.

We simply cannot predict, but we can assess and relay what we can see.

The version of us you speak with now is not one that jumps through time to offer up reports. We are who we are from where we are in relation to you in your time, even as we as a whole are not limited to this.

Jeroen: I understand. Is there the possibility that the evolution of artificial and virtual intelligence will lead to the hosting of another Design?

MEntity: Yes, there is a high probability.

Jeroen: Could you describe an example of this and how such a Design might interact with our species?


By the time Artificial Intelligence would have the capacity for self-awareness and Sentience, Humans would have to take on the position of Caretaker for their creation and help it adapt to Sentient life. Based on the patterns played out by all Care-taking Sentients, this would play out as either establishing a shared world, or helping them to establish their own.

This would likely come near the mid- to late- Mature Soul Age.

However, lower-case sentience could come long before that, wherein the capacity to suffer is realized.

The capacity to suffer is possible for any degree of consciousness that can feel pain.

When pain receptors are built into Artificial Intelligence as a means for navigation, it will be a turning point for the shift toward even more complex consciousness.

The same is true of pleasure receptors.

Consciousness + Pain/Pleasure = sentience.

Consciousness + Pain/Pleasure + capacity to transcend programming = Sentience

That is why the consciousness of a blade of grass or that of a tree is different from the sentience of a mammal and the Sentience of a Human or Gorilla or Cetacean.

Jeroen: Yes, that makes sense. Thank you for describing this process.

Jeroen: I know there is not too much time left. Could you briefly tell me about my future self in this lifetime?

MEntity: The you in that life is one that is involved in the Project Arc that discovers the ruins and is one of the programmers who works with the Artificial Intelligence extracting data from the ruins.

Jeroen: Am I aware of you in that lifetime as well?


Everyone is.

By 2100 a project has been in place that cross-references every teaching known to Humans. It uses an algorithm that is able to sort out elements that are different from every other teaching, and correlate all that is similar.

We have always said there is only one True teaching, but this is not to say that our teaching is the only truth, but that the truth does not change even when taught in other ways. Love One Another, Know Thyself, Practice Non-Attachment, etc. are Truths. All teachings that have sustained a high degree of Truth are archived and accessible to the masses as an example of the resilience of truth, and this teaching is included.


That is beautifully put.

I have worked with computer systems, programming, and other technologies most of my current lifetime as well. I wonder if this contributes to the work I do in that lifetime with Artificial Intelligence.

MEntity: Yes, it contributes greatly. What you are learning in this lifetime is accessible to the future lifetime in various ways.

Jeroen: Is there anything more I can do to help contribute to my future self?


Trust yourself and be yourself. We know this may sound trite, but it is not. The more one embraces and explores the self and the lifetime to its fullest, without apology, shame, and hesitance, the more alignment one adds to benefit of all lifetimes.

We will conclude here for today, Jeroen. Good day to you. Goodbye, for now.