1204 Priest-cast Priest ~ Channel for Cadre 1 Entity 4

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/01/28 16:49

1204 Priest-cast Priest ~ Channel for Cadre 1 Entity 4

I have worked with the Transeekers, channeled by Anne Morse, a few times and they (and she) are excellent. It turns out that Anne Morse, a Old 5 Priest-cast Priest from C1E4, who channels the Transeekers, is actually channeling her own Entity. This is really cool information.

From a Private Live Chat on December 4, 2014

Maureen: Michael, Anne Morse, who channels the Transeekers says: “From my understanding they are consciousness who exist in the spiritual realm on a plane of existence known as the "Mid-Causal Plane", and as such have access to a broader perspective”. From your perspective who are the Transeekers?


In response to your next question:

The fragment in question appears to be valid in her claims to be working with a Causal Plane entity. This is only the entity's second channel, and much of what is delivered is inspired, but still heavily infused with the ideas of the channel, who is also one of our own students and who knows of us. Her exposure to our teaching colors her ideals for what to expect in her work with another teacher.

UPDATE: From a Private Live Chat on March 12, 2015

Maureen:  What Cadre / Entity is The Transeekers and what is their teaching? What are the Roles within their Entity? What is Anne Morse’s Cadre/Entity, Soul Age/Level and Role/Casting?

MEntity:  If we are seeing this correctly, this appears to be the Entity of the fragment channeling. This is representative of Cadre 1, Entity 4 practicing teaching what was learned from us, as well as their own lifetimes, which are not completed, and with a mix of the channel, of course. The Entity is comprised of Kings, Servers, Artisans, Priests, Scholars. The fragment in question appears to be a 5th Level Old Priest-Cast Priest from Cadre 1, Entity 4.

Maureen:  I see ...that makes sense.