0903 Done with 4IM but not complete, me+Frida Kahlo, teaching Essence and "blocked" chakra misconceptions

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/03/07 18:37

Done with 4IM but not complete, me+Frida Kahlo, teaching Essence and "blocked" chakra misconceptions

channeled by nick sweeney on 9.3.2020

Note from Archivist: The TLE Library is primarily an archive of sessions channeled by Troy Tolley, and all work presented here should be assumed to be channeled by Troy unless a note like this one is included. 

Babylove (aka Nick Sweeney) was mentored by Troy, and participates in the TLE Community as a student. We have elected to post sessions channeled by Nick in this library if shared within TLE because these sessions often continue conversations begun with a session channeled by Troy or vice versa. Other content channeled by Nick may be found by searching for ChannelNS.

Avi: Can you tell me where I am with my 4IM and if I've completed it in the positive poles? Just based off of what you're saying with me living as Essence now, which I definitely identify with. I feel like I've started my 5th internal monad, but can you please comment on that?

MEntity: Yes, it is safe to say you are fairly done with this monad although technically it has not been completed. This is not unusual as many fragments in their processing of the 4th internal monad take their time before technical completion because by the time the fourth internal monad is taken on, and when one moves through the fourth internal monad in the positive poles, it is usually no longer a race to the finish line. That the life is more so about experience, meaning and owning one's choices, and being. So, a new permission grows within the individual that it is okay to go at one's own pace. So that completion can have a strong foundation. That is what you are doing as you take your time in the technical completion of this monad, we see you as predominantly in the positive pole at this seventh level, preparing for exiting this monad in the positive pole but you still have a few lessons, if you will, to inculcate and integrate into your being so that the foundation is sturdy before you exit this monad. So, we would not be surprised if you continue to experience incongruent and congruent. Another way of saying this is moments of alignment and moments of misalignment. Moments when you feel connected, expansive, knowing, trusting, loving, kind to yourself and others and moments when you feel your Essence is more distant. Moments where you are reacting. Moments where the imprinting, programming and conditioning of the past are right there at the surface and you have a choice to indulge in them or to set them aside as you have learned to do throughout this monadal process. You will toggle back and forth in order to clarify and build a sturdy foundation to make sure you know how to come back home, so to speak. How to get back to that alignment when you forget. If you continue on your current trajectory, we see you as exiting this monad...well, it is hard to predict, obviously, but anytime between now and the spring of next year.

Avi: Okay, so Frida Kahlo. I've always loved her and have always felt very drawn to her. And a couple years ago like 2017 when I went to Cancun, I was just like super drawn to that area too. Like it felt very familiar. So I just wanted to see if I have any lifetimes that show why I have such resonance with Frida Kahlo. Also, she passed away on my birthday. So there's celebrations on my birthday every year for her. Just wanted to point that out haha

MEntity: Though it appears there have been many shared lifetimes with the fragment known as Frida, and of course, much of the resonance comes from these shared lifetimes, we think that most of the recognition you are becoming aware of is because she appears to be in your or to be your fifth string Muse support position. In other words, she is the Muse or the face of a much deeper and broader quality that you aspire to and that inspires you. We think that through this channel now, we would say that she represents a renaissance of expression in spite of oppression. We can also say because of and through oppression. There have also been several external monads completed with this fragment. We see teacher/student, mother/child, healer/healed, and murderer/murdered to name a few. 

Avi: What have I taught my Essence in this lifetime?

MEntity: There are many of course but what we can get through our channel now are it is safe to say no. That struggle can often have a payoff. Beauty is always more nuanced, more subtle, more expansive. That others and relationships are worth it precisely because of their complexity and sometimes complications and certainly imperfections. Though this is not a lesson per se more like a reminder and something you've helped your Essence to remember is how much it enjoys slow and steady wins the race, so to speak. We'll also say that you have taught your essence much about the various facets and qualities of strength and resilience. And how peace is profound even when it is a small of a grain, as small as a grain of sand in consciousness.

Avi: So I recently got energy work done and he said my heart and solar plexus chakras are super blocked from built up chi stemming from self esteem issues and internalized anger and being fearful of my anger, which we have discussed before actually. He mentioned that it may be related to past lifetimes as a bruja or something of the sort where I've abused my power. And that resonates with this lifetime and fears and hesitations I have of my anger and power. Can you give me your perspective on what he said about the bruja influence? 


We cannot go into this deeply now but we can say that there is validity to what your energy worker shared with you and what was perceived in relation to a resonant past life. But we would also caution you with how you receive or take in the concept of blocked chakras, as from our own experience and perception, we have never known a chakra to be blocked per se. If a chakra was blocked, you would be dead. We understand that many healers speak this way currently at your time on the planet. It is one of the many misunderstandings or distortions that healers tend to have at this time on the planet. There is always a movement of energy in the chakras. In your chakras specifically as in everyone else's, there is always an interchange between the inner you and the outer you so to speak, the Essence and the world around you. Rather than saying blocked, we would say that these chakras are processing. It is kind of like when a person puts a Do Not Disturb sign on a hotel door. Parts of you and parts of this chakra are engaged in a deep processing so they are less available energetically than they otherwise would be. That is a more inclusive way of speaking about the energy flow in and through and around your energy centers. You are processing. You are learning. You are growing. And you are doing so around this issue that you spoke of anger, fear and abuse of power. Most Old souls in the current paradigm are doing the same. The best way you can support this processing with the chakras and heal so that more of those parts of yourself and those energy centers are freed up to contribute to the vitality of your whole energetic system is first by not trying to force them to heal. That is from a Young paradigm. Rather than force or impose a standard of healing onto these centers or parts of yourself, you would want to include them and be with them intimately, resonating with them, talking to them, inviting them to share with you to release and to integrate into the wholeness that is you. This is a such a different way of approaching healing because there is no timetable on it. But it is the only way we know that healing actually happens. So it is simply a matter of perspective and how you look at your wounds and your process of healing and evolution. Be with include, resonate with, invite, feel, surrender and follow through on those impulses that come out of that experience, which will be impulses supportive of that healing, growth and evolution and expansion that we speak of when we speak of your energy centers. It may be that for a few weeks as you resonate with these centers and allow them to speak to you, and allow yourself to feel and allow energy to move, and of course your healers can help with this. It may be that for a few weeks or months, or years, you feel called to swim in the ocean. Or you feel called to sit out in nature and wail or you feel called to write stories that help this energy to move and help these energies and parts of you to be loved and integrated into the whole. We cannot say how will unfold for you because it is a deeply intimate and personal experience as well as the many possibilities and parallels throughout the spectrum of what can be experienced.

We think finally as we are running out of time, we will say to you that another perspective that is important to consider is that you are not being held up from doing good works. You are doing good work. You are not being held up from manifesting your power, and we will remind you power is presence, your genius, your creativity, your contribution. You are not being blocked stopped or held up from that, because these energy centers are processing what they are processing. This is Maya. And it is a very pervasive Maya that exists in your species at this time for those who are seeking to wake up heal and evolve. It is kind of like recognizing that you are not at 50% possibility. You are at 100% always. It is simply that as you heal and evolve there is more. Another way of saying this is that you are perfect exactly where you are and as exactly as imperfect as you are in this moment for all of your good works to be manifested. We will conclude here for today. Good bye for now.


michael always knows what to say!!! they get me every time.