0326 a much needed session on my life plan, 2020 and current IM

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/03/07 18:35

a much needed session on my life plan, 2020 and current IM

channelled by nick sweeney on March 26, 2020

Note from Archivist: The TLE Library is primarily an archive of sessions channeled by Troy Tolley, and all work presented here should be assumed to be channeled by Troy unless a note like this one is included. 

Babylove (aka Nick Sweeney) was mentored by Troy, and participates in the TLE Community as a student. We have elected to post sessions channeled by Nick in this library if shared within TLE because these sessions often continue conversations begun with a session channeled by Troy or vice versa. Other content channeled by Nick may be found by searching for ChannelNS.

Avi: Hey Michael!!!! What is my 5 year life plan?


We see you in the middle or 3rd year of the current life plan which we we see as having a theme of LISTENING or RECEPTIVITY UPGRADE.  This, of course, is centered around first upgrading your capacity to listen to and receive from yourself and then naturally reflects in your improved capacity to listen to and receive others.  As you are in the middle of this life plan, you may now find that significant others are becoming more readily available to help you refine your receptivity skills. We do not mean significant others in the romantic sense but in the sense of "key players" in your life who resonate with this theme.  The first 2 years of this plan may have found you quite fond of more introspection and solitude as you began listening to yourself more acutely and with much more depth.

We think there are multiple layers of preparation begin tended to by essence with the focus on this plan.  Usually when one has this plan, essence is preparing for the next plan to increase in new possibilities and potential directions.  We think this is the case with your essence, as well. It appears as if the life has contracted in the recent past and that you and essence are now seeking expansion.  Before expansion comes a time of deeper and more refined listening to one's self, as well as others. The information and insight yo receive before this 5 year plan closes out will catapult you into a new plan with more than a few surprises in store in terms of new possibilities in the areas of intimacy, attitude and paths/directions.

We think this is a fair "first look" at this question.

You may pose your next question.

Avi: Thank you so much. That resonates. Can you please give me insight into how my 2020 looks to you both personally and professionally?


”Personally" can cover a great deal of territory, so we will select an angle to speak about that we think may have some meaning for you.  Personally, 2020 looks to be a year of "consolidation" . Remember, 2020 is a pivotal year for humanity and all will be participating in this collective turning point in one way or another.  The way that the patterns appear to be unfolding for you in relation to this pivotal collective year is that you will be "reviewing" many of your relationships this year and assessing which ones you want to "hold close" and which ones you want to release to exist at a greater distance.  This will be important as those whom you hold close will be the ones who are most able to help and support you through and beyond 2020 and vice versa. In a mature soul world the networks of mutual support clarify and strengthen, which at first resembles a pruning but then begins to grow and blossom and expand in ever meaningful circles of support.  Personally, we think that you will begin to appreciate more and more the love and support in your life from those who begin to grow closer. We can also say that there looks to be a growing clarity over 2020 about your worth in intimate relationships, what you "bring to the table," and what is possible for you to allow and create. This area of your personal life would also be supported by the deepening and strengthening bonds between you and those you begin to hold more close over the year ahead.

Professionally, this year, you may be at a crossroads, as your deeper listening and receiving from yourself and others begins to bring more awareness to your feelings and vision in this area.  We 2020 may find you considering possibilities for yourself and your contribution that you may not have considered before, or at least may not have given much consideration out of outdated beliefs about what you are capable of.  This is not surprising considering the pace at which the world is changing and pivoting. Many will be reconsidering their professional roles, contribution in the community and vision for the future.  

We will take your next question.

Avi: What internal monad am I in and can you please comment on my progress/how I can continue to progress? 


We see you in the 4th stage of the 4IM, manifestation, in the negative pole of otiose.  You only recently moved from the 3rd stage of realization and its positive pole of freedom. In other words, you have recently realized that your self is different than the self that was conditioned by your past and the people from your past.  You have let go of much imprinting from others that does not serve you and become aware of your core values. You are now aware that you can define yourself on your own terms and define your goals on your own terms. In the negative pole of the 4th stage, otiose, you are aware of a new "blank space" as you stare out at your future.  It can seem as if there is no purpose or meaning to help anchor you to a direction or vision. This is necessary as you come to understand that YOU CREATE YOUR PURPOSE, MEANING and VISION. Your progress will continue as you come to embrace this truth. Then you will no longer invest in searching for your path, but will revel in creating it in your own way and discovering it as you go.  More than anything, we can say about your progress that you will accelerate your movement through this monad the more you come to realize that the purpose, meaning and path that you are searching for and have always been searching for is YOU.  

We must conclude here for today, Aviance.  

You are doing GOOD WORK. Goodbye for now.


uh i really needed this session! shoutout to nick! i'm notoriously hard on myself/my progress and to know that the contraction that i've felt and my pruning of the people around/close to me is basically in essence's and my plan *chef's kiss*

i'm learning to trust myself and i've been feeling like i'm on shaky ground, not making a ton of progress especially with that "blank space" starting at my future like honestly what the fuck bro?!  

i'm proud of myself for being in the 4th stage of i'm 4IM. i felt like i was but with some of my authority issues lingering, i also thought it was possible that i was in my 3IM still lol. but whew i'm happy to hear that i'm doing good work!!! i love a gold star!! hahaha. shoutout to me and my astral and earthly team!!!!