1120 Lumen's Date!

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/05/07 19:49

Lumen's Date! 11/20/2023

MEntity: Hello to each of you. We are here, now. We can begin.

NickG: Hello Michael! Today I wanted to ask more about my future life Lumen. Last time, you said they were about to go on their first date soon and I would be the topic of conversation. So, my two questions are; 

1. How did their date go? Can you relay what they did on their date. I think I saw another reverse memory of Lumen being seated across a blonde woman in what looks like a mountain setting for a drink and some food, but I'm on the fence about whether it was of Lumen or if it was just one of my "visions" I sometimes get now. 

2. Is the person Lumen went on the date with anybody from TLE? Side note: Did they get "Lucky?" They asked about my sex life so TWO can play at that game 😈 

MEntity: From what we know, the date was successful. Your vision looks to be valid, though we think you were seeing the digital art in the environment, as there were no mountains in view that we know of. The date does have blonde hair. The individual on the date with Lumen would be known to you but we do not think you have met, yet. Current Agreements appear to be active for crossing paths over the next 18 months.

NickG: Would you look at that 


Though sex is no longer repressed at the time, it is also not considered a conquest for which one gets "lucky." Current society often sees sex as a goal, whereas the future sees it as an evolving byproduct of other desires.

If lucky is considered at all, it is in terms of authentic resonance, and in that light, Lumen was quite lucky.  

NickG: Can I have the role and soul age of the person I could meet in the next 18 months?

MEntity: 3rd Level Old Priest-Cast Sage 

NickG: Awwww well we'll see if we meet in my life too. Thanks Michael!

MEntity: It is highly probable as it is the premise for Essences setting up the future meeting.


I feel like I was being cheeky and got scolded LOL Ahhh just a truthful exchange with Michael. I'm glad they mentioned the different cultural relationship with sex, it just felt very jarring at first not gonna lie, to not also to be met with some cheek. I totally felt triggered, but I've always suppressed my sexualness so it's probably why. It's something I've tried working on for a very long time but the more I delve into it the muddier things seems to get in my sphere.  Well, I'm happy Lumen that you had such a good date and maybe I'll be able to write to you about what they are like in my time once I meet them myself. I plan on writing more letters to you and I'll mention about my own experiences in the dating world, as limited as they are. Cheers to you both.