MS0526 Open Floor
Michael Speaks: May 26, 2013
Question: Hello Michael. I would like to ask about the relationship of Greed Chief Feature to Self-destruction CF. How the first relates to the second, and what one can do if the energy turns pitch black and suicidal. That was my question.
Greed and Self-Destructions are methods of protection against one's fears regarding "having." Greed is enlisted as a means for protection against the fear of lack, while Self-destruction can be developed as a protection against the fear that the life is actually being wasted, that one is not even worthy of the life force that animates the self.
Greed will seek to compensate for the lack by obtaining more and more, and will tend to fixate upon something that represents the potential for satisfying that lack.
Self-destruction will see to compensate for the sense of waste by constantly striving to earn the worth of having anything at all.
Greed says that I am worth more than this. Self-destruction says I am not worth this (or this is not worth it).
Comment: Slightly paradoxical.
There are many degrees of manifestation of these Chief Features, and they range from the most literal and obvious to the most subtle and insidious, as with any Chief Feature.
When one is consumed by the self-protection of Self-Destruction, there are two ways that can help to move through that "black and suicidal" state:
One is to utilize the Positive Pole of the partner Chief Feature of Greed, which is to say that one would focus somewhere, somehow, on something for which one has an appetite. Anything. A great tasting food. A beautiful sky. A television show.
Positive Poles of Chief Features are never "positive" in the sense that Overleaves have positive poles.
This is because the Positive Poles of Overleaves describe a difference between an inclusive state versus an exclusive state. In Chief Features, the "positive" pole is relative because it is more inclusive, but it is still a state of division, defense, and separation.
Using the positive pole of the partner Chief Feature of Greed, which is APPETITE, can bring one back into a state of participation.
And this can help to serve the second suggestion we have, which is to WAIT.
When one is in a "black and suicidal" state, the only option is to wait. It will pass. It WILL pass. It may return again and again, but it will pass. And it is not a conclusive state.
Nothing is.
This is a "heavy" topic that can be further explored, but we think these are insights and suggestions that can be helpful, especially if taken in while not consumed by the Chief Feature, and then called upon.
If there is nothing more that one can do when in that state, repeat: WAIT, JUST WAIT. And do so.
Question: Hello Michael. I am very interested in the Fragment in Siberia known as Vissarion ( and his following). I have a feeling that in this case " there is more than meets the eye". I'd like your brief take on his chosen path and philosophy. Is he a transcendental soul? thanks.
The fragment in question appears to be a charismatic Early Mature Priest-Cast Sage with a means of packaging delusions so that they are fairly useful, attractive, and generally harmless.
He is not a Transcendental Soul.
We refer to his Idealism as "delusion" here, only in the sense of its claims and conclusions. The idealism, itself, is as most idealism: a perspective that seeks to improve upon that which can be improved upon.
When Idealism cannot be fulfilled, it can turn into Naivete, and either bring about failings or even disastrous consequences, or be repackaged in delusions that can help to sell the ideals.
Comment: hmm alright. so his claims for being enlightened rebirth of jesus are part of the charismatic idealist package? hmm
It plays upon the narrative of persecution, as well, for those who would refute his claims are clearly in denial, or not capable of recognizing the truth of this return.
Comment: haha this brings to focus my own naivete, as i almost/did believed him myself. this brings a lot for me to reflect on.
Of the many who have made this claim, this fragment appears to be fairly harmless, with "good" intentions.
We remind you that your capacity to choose, to believe, and discern is one that you must cultivate, yourself, and consider our input one of many, and not the definitive answer.
We share with you our perspective, and this will always only ever be another version of the truth, even if seen from a higher, clearer, more informed position; it is still only a version.
Question: Michael, a lot of us in our 20s and 30s have had or are having trouble figuring out careers that are right for us. What suggestions do you have for how to go about choosing a satisfying career path?
It is always advisable to explore career options from two different angles: that of experience, and that of experiments.
Experience gives you information based on your hobbies, inclinations, interests, fascinations, and all that those bring to you.
Experiments include the obvious exploration of the unknown, either intentionally or unintentionally, but also includes giving a chance to various positions of work or study that are available and accessible that may not have been given a chance.
The "Do what you love and the money will follow" is not always true, as many will attest. There must be an audience, a market, a demographic, a need, even if these are created by you, yourself, as part of a launch or nurturing of a career.
Along the way of working with Experience and Experimentation, regardless of one's age, it is important to keep in mind that there will most likely be pressure to draw an income or sustain independence in some way while figuring out what one wishes to do.
Doing what one must do, is not the same thing as doing what one will do.
Though there are many ways to dispute, delineate, or deny this, there will always tend to be only the 7 broad categories of pursuit for careers as described by the Roles:
Artisan/Sage, Priest/Server, King/Warrior, Scholar
There are many combinations of these things, of course, and subcategories, but from this simplified breakdown, one can begin to help oneself discern a direction.
Question: Leadership = Warrior and Law = King? or vice versa?
These may or may not correspond to one's Role (or Casting,) as there will always be imprinting, accessibility, need, etc.
Because the career of an individual, or source of income, is relative to Personality, using one's Overleaves as they fall on any dominant Axis or Axes can help more than one's Role.
This is a good start for helping one with this process, though there can be more discussed on this subject, or more help on individual bases.
Question: Hi Troy/Michaels, I would like to know more about Mary Magdalene. Any information that you would consider important that would pertain more to our current paradigm. I am particularly interested in her role/connection with Jesus, how they worked/supported each other. Thanks
Though an individual will manifest the Infinite Soul, it is still a fragment, an individual fragment, who acts as the conduit for that manifestation. The life of the individual is not forced or formed by that Infinite Soul, but the choices, realizations, and actions of that fragment help to create the point necessary for the Manifestation. Those choices, realizations, and actions are certainly informed by a definite thread of awareness "direct" from Tao.
However, the fragment incarnating is still Human, at least in this case.
In most Manifestations of Infinite Soul, there is the necessity for the complete Support Circle of that fragment to be intact, active, and available, as well as (at least) one fragment who will act as "the savior" for that individual.
The fragment known as "Mary" was the Anchor Position in the King's Support Circle, and was this individual Personality's "savior."
There must be that one person who fully grasps and allows for the utter despair, fear, and confusion, as well as the profound bliss, wisdom, and enlightenment as it is experienced by that Human and individual Sentient hosting.
Mary was that fragment for this King.
The spectrum between "darkness and light" was allowed with her, and she presented to him the acts of permanent forgiveness, tranquility, redemption, and agape that was not found in any other relationship.
For every Manifestation of the Infinite Soul, there is a "Mary."
After the recovery from the Manifestation, these fragments went on to form a union and to live out a rather peaceful life in sanctuary, raising children.
Question: Michael, I have the following question, and if it is quick (for you), was Mary Magdalene the Essence Twin of Jesus?
MEntity: Yes. That is correct.
Question: hello Michael, I'd like to ask, regarding making choices, how to distinguish between choosing from Essence, vs choosing the path of least resistance.
That would be difficult, as they are often the same thing.
However, it may be helpful to think more in terms of choosing AS Essence the path of most desirable flow. We say this because one never has to choose *between* Essence and a path of least resistance, and while one may choose the path of the most desirable flow, it will not necessarily be a path of no resistance.
Choosing AS Essence simply means making the choices that appeal to you while grasping the greater impact of those choices to the best that one can grasp that. Choosing the path of greatest desire simply means creating a path by listening to one's quiet impulses, questioning the more demanding compulsions, and trusting yourself along the way.
Question: what if the lack of resistance itself is what causes the appeal
These paths are not so definitive as "Essence" vs "path of least resistance," but we can say that as one begins to make choices AS Essence, the level of resistance in the life tends to reduce. By resistance here, we do not refer to the level of challenges, effort, or obstacles, but to one's resistance, one's experience of pain, suffering, etc.
There is a difference between "path of least effort" and "path of least resistance." Water cannot be faulted for its flow. Essence and Personality cannot be, either. It is natural. It is gravity. The path of least resistance, however, is not always the path of choice, and the path of least resistance is not always the path of least effort.
Mountains are divided by the natural flow of water and its meeting with resistance, even as it follows its path of least resistance.
However, water is always flowing toward the larger body, and it will cut through mountains to do so, and this is also how Essence functions. With that in mind, it can be helpful to consider asking which is the path of least movement vs the path of fulfillment.
Which path seems to be moving you toward something greater, and which path seems to distance you further from that.
"Something greater" can be defined by you.
If you do not know of something greater, or if you have no inclination to flow, move, make an effort, or act on desires, then it can be helpful to LET yourself simply sit there in that, be with it, until you are done with it.
Letting yourself be with that can often be the very state one requires so that one can fill again to a point where the flow returns.
To help one determine how well one is choosing AS Essence, one need only look to one's relationship with Choice.
If you refuse the practice of choice, then you refuse Essence. If you embrace the responsibility, effort, and capacity for choice, you tend toward navigation as Essence.
From there, the resistance or flow of the path is fairly moot.
Question: Michael, following on Janet’s question about C2E6 being a Resource Beacon, how would you describe Cadre 1 Entity 5 as a Beacon or an “open invitation …that allows for specific benefit to others”?
Cadre One, Entity Five tends to act as a Communication and a Guidance Beacon, but actively covers all Beacons to some degree.
The others are covered to such a great degree that Communication and Guidance are only technically more pronounced.