OMW0903 Dream Interpretation

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OMW: Dream Interpretation

This workshop was held on September 3, 2011.


Hello to each of you. We are here now. We will begin with some discussion about Dreams.

As we have already delineated the nature of Dreaming in other exchanges that are documented, we may abbreviate here, making room for more dynamic discussion.

We will outline the basics, and then fill in more details based upon our exchange with you here.

First, we will define the Dream State, as differentiated from the Waking State.

Dream State is any degree of consciousness that involves less than the totality of bodies that a fragment is using. Waking State is any degree of consciousness that includes the totality of all bodies that a fragment is using.

Waking State cannot happen in Dreams, as the Physical Body must be included for that Waking State.

However, Dream States can happen outside of sleep, as they do not require the totality of bodies.

In terms of "bodies," we speak here of the Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and "spiritual" bodies. The Spiritual body is the sum that is greater than the parts, but not a specific body.

There are 7 Primary Bodies, or put another way, densities, for every Sentient incarnated, and these correspond to the Chakras or Centers.

When not incarnated, there are still 7, even without the Physical Body, because the "Spiritual" Body becomes the primary housing, if you will.

When one is not in a Physical Body, then Waking States and Dream States still exist, using the same definitions as stated above.

To Dream while not incarnated is still a matter of any degree of consciousness using fewer bodies than the totality of bodies.

In other words, even we still Dream.

Dream States are "entered" through one of three gateways: through the Instinctive Center, the Lower Centers, or Higher Centers. Or put another way, through the Instinctive Body, Lower Bodies, or Higher Bodies.

Each of these gateways, or entrances, has their own language, which is highly personal and developed over many lifetimes. Each body interacts using those different languages.

The Instinctive Body is entirely symbolic, so we refer to this as the Symbolic Level of Dreaming. Because Symbols are things, it could be said that this is the Physical Level of Dreaming.

The Lower Centers/Bodies interact through the medium of the Astral Plane. These Bodies use Emotion as a primary language. It could be said, then, that this is the Emotional, or Astral Level of Dreaming.

The Higher Bodies/Centers are not specific to any Plane, and uses the Intellect as a medium for communication. It would be the Intellectual Level of Dreaming.

Though these Bodies are not specific to any Plane, we rarely see these functioning beyond the Physical Plane or the Astral Plane while a Physical Body is a part of the collection of bodies.

In fact, most dreaming is almost always contained to the current Plane where one's consciousness is focused, and the one just beyond.

Understanding "where" one is when dreaming can help one to understand, interpret, and apply any meaning that might be gained from the memory of a dream.

If a dream is remembered, it is relevant. No dreams are irrelevant. All dreams are relevant, but those that one does not remember are usually relevant to other bodies beyond the Physical.

If a dream is filled with oddities, things that do not "make sense," actions that stand out, is fantastical, and clearly symbolic, you are seeing the Symbolic/Instinctive level of dreaming. Repetitive dreams, anxiety dreams, falling dreams, etc. fall into this level.

ALL dreaming will first enter through this gateway.

This means that even the most vivid or lucid of dreams may have elements of this Level involved.

Through the Instinctive Center, the entrance into the other Centers is made accessible.

Dreams from the Symbolic/Instinctive Level are directly related to current or past personalities, and to the self, only. In most cases, it is the process of organizing experiences from that day, relative to which Centers were worked the most. It is also the uploading and downloading of information relative to the current lifetime and its own records.

The Instinctive realm has 7 different areas through which one would go, and depending upon where that dreaming is occurring, of course, corresponding to the 7 Parts of a Center.

Emotional Parts of the Instinctive Center dreams are different from the Instinctive Part of the Instinctive Center, for instance.

Instinctive Parts of the Instinctive Realm are the most bizarre and "senseless" dreams, using pure symbolism.

Think of these Centers/Realms as having rooms corresponding to the various Parts. Those "rooms" then connect to a larger version of itself that is its own Center/Realm with its own Parts/rooms.

If one is in the Instinctive/Symbolic Realm, he will be in one of those rooms, but still in the Instinctive Realm. If, for instance, he is in the Emotional Part of that realm, he can move through another door, so to speak, that leads into the Emotional Center.

Through the Emotional Part, one can only move into an Emotional Center, no other, and so on.

To be clear, regardless of which Center one has moved into from a room/part within the Instinctive Realm, it will be the Emotional/Astral Realm at that point.

[Martha] So you can't then go to the Intellectual/Astral directly, you'd have to go back to Instinctive and then go to the Intellectual part of Instinctive, and then go to the Intellectual astral, or am I confused?


Martha, of course, we are using a symbolism in itself to convey these realms and mapping of dreams, so we wish to clarify that this is not literal, but it is accurate.

In response to your question, yes, the Instinctive Center is the hub through which all dreaming or access to other realms is possible.

Even in terms of channeling, it is through the Instinctive Center that access beyond is achieved. It cannot be done any other way.

We can also add here that the emphasis of channeling, style of channeling, voice of channeling, energy of channeling, etc. is colored by this mapping, and how a channel moves into these other realms.

To answer your question more specifically, Martha, in each dream cycle, there is only one path. There is usually not a return and redirection.

[Brian_W] How might switching between these rooms / realms appear in our dreams?


Symbolic into Astral. Where one needs or wants to go for that dream cycle is chosen for that cycle. Once in, say, the Emotional Room of the Emotional Realm, there would be the Intellectual Part of that, or the Intellectual Room within the Emotional Room within the Emotional Realm.

This may seem complicated, but it is not, and these "rooms within rooms" reflect the depth to which the consciousness has gone for that cycle.

If we could draw an image for you, it would look something like a Pie with 7 pieces as the Symbolic Realm. An even larger concentric circle would be around that, with 7 sections relative to the 7 Pie Pieces, and each section having 7 sections. Beyond this is open space, if you will.

This is a crude, 2-dimensional map, but it works.

The encircling realm of the Astral is not static in this map, and can be "turned" to align with whatever entrance is relevant for dreaming.

Now that we have shared the mapping, we will share some of the terrain. This will help in your determining from "where" a dream may have been remembered.

We have already stated that your Symbolic Realm is fairly obvious in that it is full of symbols, but symbolism does not stop in the Symbolic Realm.

The Symbolic Realm is dominated by symbols, but the Astral Realm will use symbols, as well, just not as a dominant language.

We have a system for understanding these symbols, using what we refer to as "facets" of this Realm as relative to the parts/rooms we already described. In most cases of dreaming Symbolically or Astrally, those dreams remembered are those from the rooms of the Intellect, Emotion, or Moving.

The Intellectual part of Symbolic Realm is usually where one plays out memories, breaks them down, and plays them over and over, usually because of, or inclusive of, something that represents you on some level.

As the Instinctive/Symbolic Level is all about the current or past Personality (or sub-personalities), the Intellectual part is about identity, sense of self, and there are often symbols involved that are seen as defining you, or clearly representative in that way.

As the Intellect is also about Expression, it is important to consider this when interpreting from this part, as it often relates to what is not being said, what needs to be said, or expressed, or what is being collected by the Personality as expressions from around him.

The Emotional or Inspirational room/part of Symbolic is where one tends to find "messages" in the symbols.

Although one could say this about any dream, the Emotional part of the Symbolic is usually what prompts the most surprising, "I wonder what THAT meant?" kind of responses upon remembering or re-telling. This is because the Personality left with a sense of something being encrypted in the symbolism, and senses that message.

The Moving facet of interpretation, or the Moving part of the Symbolic Realm tends to be where your disaster, apocalyptic, falling, anxiety, and other physical-plane based actions in symbols come into play.

We should clarify here that when we used the word "facet," we mean that relative to Interpretation. In other words, Symbolic Realm, Emotional Part, requiring interpretation through the Emotional/Inspiration Facet.

We will quickly cover the more common parts of the Astral, and their facets of interpretation, and then open the floor for questions.

Where the Symbolic Realm emphasizes the current or past Personalities or sub-personalities, the Astral emphasizes the Essence. Symbolism will exist in both places, but when from the Symbolic, it is relative to Personality, whereas in the Astral, the symbols are relative to the Essence.

The Intellectual/Expressive part of the Astral is where one tends "to go" for learning, recalibrating the life, rearranging Agreements and Karma, and generally examine the life in relation to the entire cycle

If one remembers dreams from this part of the Astral Realm, it tends to be sensed as a kind of clarity in the Waking State, a sense of direction, and things feel "in order," even if they appear not to be.

The details of the dreams tend to feel as if one has been at a meeting, in conversation, reading, etc., learning. Problem solving comes from this part of the realm.

The Emotional/Inspirational part of the Astral is where your Essence goes to play, to balance Karma that does not require the physical body, for healing, and for processing more complicated emotions.

It is also where one meets with his Guides for updates and insights regarding the life. This is often remembered as those faceless or familiar but vague figures with whom one is interacting in the dream.

This part of the Astral is often from where one wakes up to have the ominous or foreboding feeling left, or agitation and a "bad day," when one has just burned a Ribbon.

The Moving, or Action part is where the past is processed, including past lives. On the Symbolic Level, when a past personality is explored, it is so symbolic it is not often realized as being past life related. In the Astral, however, it is quite elaborate and rich in detail, particularly in terms of the environment.

These dreams tend to emphasize your environment, and this is often recalled as being utterly familiar, yet completely unfamiliar to your Waking State.

Beyond the Astral is the Intellectual Realm, which translates into Lucid Dreaming or Out of Body Experiences.

We will now open the floor to your questions about what has been shared so far, but will save the dream interpretation process for after that.

[Martha] Sometimes I'll have a very vivid dream where it seems like the other person is really there and I remember the dream easily the next day -- is that Lucid?


Lucid is where choices can be actively made from within the dream, and the awareness that one is dreaming is clear. A vivid dream is not necessarily Lucid.

In almost all cases where there are other people in a dream of significance, it is the Astral Realm.

[Martha] I don't think I've ever had a lucid one then emoticon_smile


However, keep in mind that Lucid Dreaming is not confined to any realm, though usually stays within the Astral or Symbolic. When Lucidity is in the Physical Plane, where consciousness has discovered the capacity to point to any part of the Intellectual realm, it is an Out of Body Experience.

To clarify the last sentence:

Imagine a computer monitor with a diagram of the mapping we have already described. Your cursors moving about within that map is like Lucid Dreaming, and when outside of that map, it is Out of Body.

NEXT, Brian.

[Brian_W] Could you comment as to whether the action taking place in the dream is related to the center whereas the terrain is related to the part of the dream? That is, a flying dream might be Instinctual center, while flying through an unknown / foreign environment might be the Moving Part of the Instinctual Center?


Flying dreams are never from the Symbolic Realm, even if symbols are involved. They are almost always of the Emotional part of the Astral. Keep in mind, that within that Emotional Room of the Astral, there are also parts/rooms. So one may be flying, but if the environment is striking in some way, it may be the Moving Part of the Emotional Room.

However, we will add that in most cases, though not all, the flying itself is the point of those dreams, as they are "you" and your Essence playing.

More precisely, "you" AS your Essence.

We will also point out that upon waking, it is not uncommon to mix the memories of different dream scenarios.

[Brian_W] Each representing a different part / room?


Not necessarily.

All parts will be present in all dreams to some extent, so one would want to pay most attention to what is most prominent.

If in a flying dream, the flying is incidental to your trying to outfly an electric tornado, then the electric tornado may be the important element to consider.

If in a flying dream, your flying with other people seems to be the emphasis, then it may be more about those relationships than about the flying.

If in a flying dream, you are terrified of the fact that you are flying, it may be the anxiety and terror feeling that is more important to consider.

Flying dreams are almost always for play, or for bringing play to an otherwise "serious" scenario.


[Maureen] Is there a co-relation to peoples' natural centering and the type of dreaming they experience, i.e. would moving centered people favour or have more past life dreams? and -- if so -- what type of dreaming would be favoured by emotionally centered and intellectually centered people?


To the extent that one is emphasizing a Center of gravity in the Waking State, there may be a correlation to the Dream State. It is often more immediately relevant to explore in Dream State that which correlates to Waking State. However, if there are imbalances, then the balancing Center may be explored.

While this can tend to be the case, in general, the parts of Realms explored tend to change too often, based on several factors in a day, for us to say it is consistent enough for a consistent correlation.

Especially for Older Souls who are working to break from the Traps of Centering, and to balance out all Centers.

When one learns to control his dreams, he can train himself to access specific parts of Realms for help, so the more interest one has in Dreams, the more likely the access is to whatever is most helpful.

We tend to see more of a consistency on a larger scale as relative to the Centering of a year, if anything.

Being an Emotionally-Centered year, we find that many of our students are in the Emotional Realm working on self-karma, karma, relationship issues within and without, etc.

With your questions answered, we will now describe a kind of quick reference for your ease in interpreting your dreams.

[Bobby] In the energy report for the year, you have said it is Moving Centered, is there a discrepancy there?


Yes, that is a discrepancy here. We are speaking of the previous year here. You are in a Moving-Centered year, with an emphasis on all that the Moving part of the Realms entails as described above.

Our sense of Time is often as accurate as our channel's.

To interpret any Symbol, you must look at it from two levels: Individually and Collectively.

Because symbolism is pulled from the Instinctive, it is often based upon Collective meaning, as generated over many lives with many people sharing similar experiences. So an Owl in a dream can be interpreted globally for those who are on a planet with Owls.

However, you would want to examine your own symbolism of the Owl, as well. While there may be relevance to its meaning collectively, one person may find Owls terrifying, while another finds them beautiful.

The Collective interpretation fitted to your Interpretation can often reveal a great deal of insight.

For instance, if Owl represents Emerging Information or Insight Collectively, and you are terrified of Owls, the dream may be playing out your fear of knowing something you would rather not know.

Add to that the INTERACTION between you and the symbol, or between symbols, and this is your whole interpretation.

If you shoo the bird away from your window sill, it may mean you are rejecting any indication pointing to information you would rather not know you know. If you open a window and let it in, you may find you are closer to allowing yourself to know. And so on.

Collective Meaning + Individual Meaning + Interaction = Interpretation

If one is interpreting dreams from the Astral, there may be symbols involved and these would be treated the same way.

However, everything else on the Astral is fairly literal.

If you are having sex, you are having sex. If you are having conversation, you are having conversation. If you are flying, you are flying, etc.

Now we will open the floor for your sharing of a dream that you may want to be interpreted, keeping in mind that it is your place to do this, first.

[EricM] I noticed going through my dreams from the past that I tend to have some overarching themes. For example, I’ve had many dreams over time that center on trying to foster peace and resolution between warring groups of people, or else protecting bystanders from the warring. The dreams are not really recurring dreams, since they tend to be quite different in symbols, actors and scenarios, but they share that theme. Is this valid, and if so, why might one have such themes?


If a theme is consistent, but the scenario and/or participants change, it often falls into the realm of Symbolic, with the theme being the symbol. This is often done for the Personality to work out ways to deal with similar themes in the life, which may be based in current experiences, anticipated experiences, or fantasy/imagined experiences.

The playing out of the theme in such varying ways is most likely the various ways your past Personalities played out the theme.

In other words, in what way is this theme in your Waking State?

Is it feared? Is it something you find fascinating as a study? Is it something from your past left unresolved? And so on.

Replaying themes such as this often indicate what is just below the surface of the Waking State consciousness at all times, so it would most likely be directly relevant.

[EricM] I'm not too sure. Perhaps as a study in healing or an anticipation.

MEntity: Do you find that you avoid conflict? Do you gravitate toward it? Are you sensitive to it?

[EricM] I generally avoid conflict, as I am very sensitive to it and find it distressing

MEntity: Do you find yourself ineffective in that area, and wish to improve upon your confidence for dealing with similar scenarios?

[EricM] that seems valid, open conflict is an area I feel least effective

[EricM] So perhaps learning to effectively manage scenarios of open conflict?

MEntity: This may be your key to understanding this arc. In your dreams you know what to do, how to do it, effectively and even heroically. This recurring theme may be a part of you reminding you that the avoidance of conflict is not necessary, and that you may have more to offer in resolution than you think.

[EricM] that does make sense


We would think, then, in this case, the theme shows up in your dreams when you have felt particularly ineffective or insignificant, not necessarily in terms of conflicts, but in terms of any sort of resolution and recognition.

NEXT Maureen

[Maureen1] I had a re-occurring dream when I was very young: “I” was driving my mother to the hospital to “have me” / give birth to me. Before we could reach the hospital my body would turn to “whey” and bones – I would just disintegrate in the driver’s seat. We never made it to the hospital in any dream – ever.

[Maureen1] I have come to think of it as being more about me being in the ‘driving’ seat in ‘my’ need to be born to my mother – possibly to work out self-karma or ‘whatever’. I needed her in the equation – more than she needed me – hence she was in the passenger seat. The part about never getting to the hospital it what seems strange to me – I don’t understand that.


We would first say that the symbols for interpretation would be Whey, Mother, Pregnancy, Driving, and Hospital.

Both the Collective and the Personal, and then how these are Interacting.

In this case, Whey, Mother, and Pregnancy are all variations of the same symbolism.

They are different stages, or states.

Whey is the medium for the more solid parts.

Driving is almost always a Collective symbol for the direction the life is going, or the path it is on.

The Hospital is rather literal in that it is clear direction of intent for the life, or the path, which is for support, healing, etc.

You would want to then look at what you think of Whey, your Mother, Pregnancy, and Driving.

What do you think of Whey?

[Maureen1] well I was very young when I had the dream

[Maureen1] now it would mean no support -- or not much


That will not matter. You would have forgotten the dream if it had no more relevance.

To give you a better interpretation, ask yourself what you think of Whey, not what you think Whey means.

[Maureen1] icky actually



Consider that Whey is a medium for more solid parts of itself, and you find it "icky," you may find that you were already aware of a growing, or potential, resentment for positions you would be in.

[Maureen1] that makes sense then


This would grow into adulthood with you. Being the medium that holds together more solid (or demanding, needy, etc.) parts.

Meanwhile, this role was not allowing you to be born, to be you, to be yourself.

The "parts" held together by you referred to not only parts of yourself, but the people in your life. You have been the whey, or the mother milk, in that symbolic sense.

This dream was of the Symbolic Realm.

We will add here, that for many of these Symbolic Dreams, the active completion of them in Waking State can contribute a great deal to the healing that some of these may indicate as being needed by you.

For instance, playing out this dream to the point of actually getting to the hospital and being born, may affect a part of your subconscious in a way that is profoundly beneficial and freeing.

NEXT, Brian.

[Brian_W] This might require a whole session of its own in private, so I'll let you pick out what you might seem relevant or helpful.

[Brian_W] While there hasn't seemed to be a great deal of overarching themes, I have noticed a few "features" in my dreams lately, mostly where I am falling asleep in the dream and waking back up into the dream without physically waking and I think last night you (Michael) came to visit in mentioning about the quality of experiences, but it didn't quite make sense.

[Brian_W] What was with me trying to protect myself from the "Black Cloud of Death" last night, or the dream I had on August 20th that I have at least interpreted as my "graduation" from the 3rd IM in positive and Essence contact? How do you present yourselves to me in my dreams?


In dreams that do not make sense, either clearly, because of strange symbols, or vaguely because of missing elements, the strange symbols can usually be interpreted, but the vague, missing elements dreams are probably those instances where the details are for Essence, and not necessarily useful for the Personality.

We think the "Black Cloud of Death" is your symbol for all of the things you either dislike or do not understand in yourself or others.

It will be up to you to interpret this more meaningfully, as in using the formula of Collective Meaning + Personal Meaning + Interaction

How you were protecting yourself will give some insights into what was being played out.

[Brian_W] It was like I was trying to create a fortified structure for me to "ride out the storm" in


We think this is fairly reflective in terms of how this is your symbolic playing out of Waking State scenarios.

The playing out of familiar scenarios in symbolic ways is a clever way of opening up to new ideas and solutions, but also to see how the choices are effective or ineffective.

If you felt safer in the dream because of your efforts, you may find that it was an indication that it is okay for you to sometimes "ride it out," and lie low when dealing with your dislikes or lack of understanding yourself and others. If you felt anxiety, it may mean that solution is not the most effective. And so on

We show up in many ways to our students in dreams, but we are interpreted in even more ways.

[Brian_W] Last night I just heard a "voice" in the dream that I associated with you (Michael)


We have presented ourselves to you in your dreams as children, but we are often interpreted as vague speaking.

If you would like to "hear" us more clearly, imagine yourself playing on a playground as you fall asleep. We may find it easier to exchange with you there.

[Brian_W] Alright, I'll see you guys by the swing set then

MEntity: Next, Martha.

[Martha] I have a recurring theme where I have a vivid dream that I am with one of the men that I love (one at a time Bobby!), and usually there is some acknowledgement of mutual affection, love, lust, friendship and closeness but I can’t get past some boundary or other to just have a fun dream or enjoy that time with that person. Usually as they start to kiss me or something I remember they have a girlfriend in real life and I pull back, or we are both aware of the wife, girlfriend, whoever and end up just holding each other or sitting together and that is enjoyable and meaningful but not really enough. And I do see how the theme of recognized love or connection that I can’t let myself have applies to my lack of intimacy or matedness in waking life, but I don’t seem to learn anything new, just the same thing every time. Recognition, then realization all I can do is appreciate the connection, then understand why I can’t indulge and then that’s it. It seems like this is a lesson I have already learned, but clearly not or I wouldn’t keep having these kind of dreams.


This falls into the Symbolic Realm, and tends toward the Fantasy range, which is one of the reasons it is a sort of limbo state, as it reflects your fantasies in Waking State. It is simply a bit more submersive.

Or rather, immersive.

[Martha] if I'm going to have a fantasy, couldn't it be more fun?


To "have more fun," the fantasy would need to be replaced by invitation, which can be done upon falling asleep. Invite the fragment to meet with you in the most literal meaning of the word, using your fantasy as part of that invitation so as to show what it is you would like to experience.

However, if you find there is no result from this, it would seem to us to indicate that you simply do not find it interesting to resort to the fantasy, or even the "fun" that could be had in a dream.

[Martha] I do!! I do!!


That is for you to validate, then. We can only describe what certain scenarios may or may not indicate.

Old Souls tend toward sensual dreams, or affection, because that is what is truly craved over stimulation. It tends to be more honest and direct.

Even in dreams that are sexual, they tend to be just that: sexual, but not sex.

This is a tendency. Not a rule.

[Martha] I agree, I'm just wishing I could not have to include their girlfriend in the dream

MEntity: Your description of your dream indicates to us that honesty is far more important to you than your stimulation, which may be part of why you do not have the "fun" dreams.

[Martha] I get it


What we suggest is to allow room for flexibility in your symbolism.

Instead of a replica of the individual, which brings with it replication of other parts of his life, invite another version of him.

Because there are many versions of him.

NEXT, Bobby.

[Bobby] When I woke from a dream I had this week, I remembered "Dachau" and "rye bread" and was just curious what this was related to? A past life? Another ET past life coming through?

MEntity: This dream appears to have been Astral. It is yet another Past Life, but not your own, which indicates to us that there may have been some information gathering relative to the fragment of focus. Though we are not sure about who it is, it is most likely relevant to a relationship that is prominent to you. The details are of a bakery near a camp in that vicinity that was friendly to the prisoners.

[Bobby] Is this typical, dreaming of someone else's past lives? This is the 2nd time now that I know of


It is not unusual at all. We are all connected, and the older the soul gets, the more its "memories" begin to expand beyond its own, and accesses relevant information for helping with the current lifetime.

However, that access is usually limited to those mathematically linked to a fragment, or those fragments directly relevant to the current Personality.

We will close with a quick suggestion for how to direct your dreams more effectively.

[Bobby] thank you... very insightful


Using the map we described earlier, we suggest being creative in your interpretation of is, so that each "Room" is understood as representing these various parts of each realm. Depending on the nature of the dream one wishes to explore, imagine walking the path it would take to get to and through the door into that room.

To add to your effectiveness, it would also help to name your rooms and even to write down the room you wish to visit, as a pre-heading for your dream recall.

Experimentation and record-keeping are key here, in bringing more and more control and recall.

Keep in mind that regardless of what you intend to dream, it may be bumped by other priorities relevant for your well-being.

If rooms are not of interest for you to use, then direct intention is as helpful, alone or even combined with the map.

For example, "I want to dream about what I am doing in my life that is hurting me the most, and how to change that." or "What obstacles do I still need to overcome before I open to true intimacy?" or "I would like to get to know my next Mate Agreement." or even, "What have I experienced between lives when I died before?"

The prompts that work best are the ones that of strong interest to you.

We must close now. Our channel grows weary. Good evening to each of you.