MS0225 Parallels

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2023/03/30 19:17

Michael Speaks: Parallels

This Energy Report and topic-driven session took place on February 25, 1999.

Note from Archivist: This was a very early session and there is editing done by an unknown person to fill in gaps, which either occurred as part of the channeling or as part of transfer to a transcript.  


Hello to all of you.

What we'll do is start with the “weather forecast” as usual, reviewing a little on what might have happened for some of you over the past few weeks, then address the next few [weeks].

Again, for purposes of our introduction to this electronic medium in this fashion through this channel, we will remain open for questions, personal or otherwise, at the end. No topics, necessarily.

We spoke last about your own futures being examined in terms of how you and Essence would like to show up, express yourselves, in the coming year. This is due, in part, to the natural energies of this year, as well as the fact that each of you will be “spinning off” aspects of yourselves for various purposes.

What we saw as most indicative for you in this examination period, in terms of how you might be handling this, is through the “reflections” of your EXTERNAL environment. This period of time in your environment's reflection has become almost harshly “realistic”; nothing spared. We also mentioned to be on the lookout for animals and specifically categorized Individuals (mentally, physically challenged, or those apparently “rejected” on the outskirts of your societies) as being highlighted symbolically. Some of you may have seen clear indications, while others simply noted, then moved on. Depending on your involvement with the SYMBOLS, either in dreams or in a situation in which you have been drawn, you may or may not be having a “serious” fluctuation of future probabilities.

Here are the indications that your symbols were meaningful:

1. That it appeared, drawing your attention, surprisingly.

2. That it “stayed” with you, even if only for the day, but at least an extended time.

It is that simple.

There is one more indication of what your INDIVIDUAL shifts will be focusing on in the weeks ahead:

Some of you are in a specific crisis. A personal crisis [seeming] to be a [repetitive or all-too-familiar] pattern. This, we would say, is the third SYMBOL for this transition ahead.

Each carries meaning.

Those who have had animals show up: You are moving toward more EARTH and ACTION-ORIENTED service in the year ahead, being very drawn out into the world. The way you have interacted with the Animal, or how it called your attention, lends you insight into how you will interact in the world as you, yourselves, are “called out” into [the world].

For those who saw or will see a preponderance of specifically categorized people, or challenged people: You will most likely be dealing with INNER CIRCLE service, taking care of interpersonal relationships, healing or tending to those closest to you.

For those dealing with an extenuating circumstance, or crisis, as a pattern: You are in the process of “upgrading” your beliefs. There will be “no room” in the months ahead for many of you to be distracted with “outdated” patterns. You are dealing with it either in one massive blow, or you will simply leave it for another lifetime.

Now, beginning March 1, approximately, you all will enter this transitional phase, or NEXUS of Parallels.

Each will enter at various points [in time], but in the past few weeks, and actually most of the beginning of this year and the end of last year, you were doing the “research.”

This Nexus is where you begin to condense and manifest EXACTLY what Essence and Personality are striving to experience in the year ahead. There will be many “versions” of you “out there.” There is no need to be concerned with “how” this is, unless you choose to study the physics of your Universe. The “YOU” you are most concerned with is the “one” you appear to be at any given moment.

Now, before more details, if any, we will take questions in regard to this. We will add, briefly, that if [more than one] symbol shows up for you, it is simply an indication of your being involved [in each of these levels].

[IK] Can you suggest effective ways for moving through this nexus?

MEntity: We just did.

[IK] More specifically then?


Yes, but this would require a questioning of the specific symbol and its relation to you, your reaction/response to it, and our interpretation of that.

What each of you can do is sit down with your symbols, if any, and examine what they may mean symbolically to you, what your reaction indicates (fearful, excited, exasperated, etc.), and what this all might mean to you personally. For example:

Assuming an animal has shown up in your dream, you may interpret the animal personally, or look it up in an animal totem book, then add your actions/interactions/reactions/responses to the picture and make a story. AFTER there is clarity (and even if no clarity sets in), the actual Nexus phase will find your “new” environment beginning to truly feel more “REAL” and needing to be “reckoned” with. It would be best to allow all EXTERNAL calls to your attention be taken seriously in the weeks ahead, as this is where your work is.

There is really no more that we can say without a detailed exploration of each of you.

[ha] Why would it become desirable to “spin off” aspects of self, i.e., I'm in process of re-integrating spin-offs, why would it be beneficial to spin off more?


It would depend on your definitions of “spin-offs”.

Assuming [your definition is] the same, it will always be the case in any given lifetime that aspects of your Personality “spin off” into realities of their own. This is simply because Essence wants to not only experience EVERYTHING it intended (your TRUNK REALITY), but also all of the creative input from Personality. When you speak of integrating these Parallels [“spin-offs”], this may easily mean that other aspects of Personality [are moving] on, [being replaced].

Let us clarify something:

Each Personality is composed of what we refer to as SUB-PERSONALITIES, aspects of “you” that make up who you are in various situations.

Parallel selves are aspects of ESSENCE, virtual Sub-Personalities of the Essence.

We realize this can be mind-boggling, but we assure you, you are not required to grasp this. That is what Essence does. You, as Personality, have only the life to contend with, not the creation of the Universal Schemes.

Many of you will be bringing in aspects/parallels that have been off in their “own” realities for a while, and now are merging with “this one”, but we will discuss that at a later date.

[ha] So when you mentioned at the beginning that we may be spinning off aspects of self, did this mean sub-personalities of self, or essence's sub-personalities? Also, if it is sub-personalities of self, where do those spin-offs go and what do they do?


We were referring to Essence “Sub-Personalities.”

Sub-Personalities of self stay with you, present, and are called to the “surface” for your various situations. Multiple Personalities and Schizophrenia are the results of breakdown and non-communication between these Sub-Personalities, by the way.

When you ask, “where do they go?,” the same similar event occurs on an Essence level: YOU and ESSENCE exist within the SAME SPACE. ALL the parallels exist within the same space, but “you” are at a different “frequency” for Essence.

An easy way to visualize this:

Imagine Parallels as being a conglomeration of colors on a single surface. THIS is how Essence “sees” it all at once, but when this conglomeration of color is [seen] through, for example, a BLUE lens, different colors are highlighted and others diminished. The same palette is there, but the FOCUS creates a different “dimension.” Other “lenses” would create similar results. “YOU” are a specific focus within the conglomeration of all the Parallels.

This is a grand topic.

[fg] M said, “Parallel Selves are aspects of ESSENCE; virtual sub-personalities of the Essence.” What do you mean by virtual?


That was a convenience of speech. We choose our words carefully in many ways and this, we felt, carried the best impact as these “selves” are not easily verifiable. But it is only from the perspective of one self that these [other selves] would appear “virtual.”

Did this answer your question?

[fg] Yes, thanks.

MEntity: We will continue if there are questions.

[M6] Last week here at this time we had an interesting energy connection and conversation, though we weren't able to have the planned Michael channeling. Could you explain the connections and processes we were experiencing together? There was some channeling going on.

MEntity: Your “connections and process” were exactly that. There are some of you with whom we have Agreements as Students, some as Channels. We have one Channel [that was present] we are working with and those with whom she has Agreements will find this format rewarding and experientially fulfilling. It appears you were a part of that process. Certain [fragments] will need to be connected with our Channel as we work through. Familiarity breeds success. It may be validating to know we were essentially present.

[ha] It seems that I have an instigating personality. Lately, wherever I go, I seem to stir up discussions and connections. Is this part of my life-task?

MEntity: You are this way in all of your lives in various forms. It is a favorite theme. You are not one to easily be appeased with pointlessness and dismissiveness. In this life, you have chosen Overleaves that keep that from happening, for the most part, and yes, it would have a part in your Life Task.

[s5] When the libraries were burned at Alexandria, I am assuming much knowledge was destroyed. Can you tell us what some of that knowledge was? Have we as a culture rediscovered all, or is there something yet to reemerge?

MEntity: To elaborate on what was lost would require a different forum, and we can address this in full, more elaborately, when more time is available. We will say, however, that most of that knowledge would be difficult to gather, except through channeling or other psychic endeavors. Even then, it is not guaranteed to be accurate. There are a few elements surfacing after the turn of the century that are material.

[km] I am having much conflict with those I work with. I feel that it is positive, that I'm learning to “stand up for myself”. Then again, I may be acting from negative poles. Can you comment?

MEntity: You are, indeed, reacting and expressing through the Negative Poles, but only as a path toward the Positive Poles. Your task in this situation is to RESPOND, rather than REACT. It is true that those involved are difficult in many ways, primarily due to abrasive Overleaves, but this is only highlighted as you explore your Self-Karma, centering around your own historic belief that you must “do the right thing.” It angers you to feel “pushed” past what you feel is “right.” This is merely a maturation process and indicates you are moving toward realization of internal security. There is much more to this, but this is start.

[s0] It has been suggested that I write a book about my life, is this part of my life task?


It would be one way to express it, yes.

There is no SPECIFIC route with which a LIFE TASK must be manifested. In fact, what is mostly misunderstood about a Life Task is that you SEEK it, or PURSUE it. In reality, you already DO it. It comes naturally. Incidentally, you are, in fact, in Agreement with several thousand Essences for a book.

[fg] Are sound (physical or not) and material form connected? I.e. “in the beginning was the Word…”


Yes, light, and indeed all of physical reality, is the result of music and math. All can be translated into these forms. This universe is built on music and math, and your physical structures are based on circles and triangles. There are connections and cross references all through these terms.

Another grand topic.

[a5] How can one draw the wisdom, help, of cycled off (disincarnate) entity mates? I've heard they are around to assist. True?


Yes, of course they are available. It is one of the easiest of all connections to call on. What makes it difficult is that most of the “wisdom” feels like “you.” Trusting your impulses, [inner] voices, magnetism; these are messages from Entity Mates who are in some way working with you.

If you choose to give them a voice, as we have for ourselves through our channels, it would require a different approach, but the wisdom is available simply by asking.

[km] What would be an important use of brainwave “EEG” technology?


We have no investments on the paths chosen to use this tool and we see it simply as a picture tool, a map. It may be used in whatever capacity a fragment or group may choose. There are many ways this can be applied.

We will now comment that many of you have topics right here that may be of interest to you. We are aware this format is limited in our ability to respond adequately. If you would like any of these elaborated upon for your next gathering, simply ask or suggest your interest. We will move more quickly into a topic in the future.

Good night.