MS1118 Open Floor
Michael Speaks: November 18, 1999
Note: Otterly = the channel, Troy Tolley, who added some additional channeling for clarity
Page Table of Contents
We are here. Hello to all of you. One moment.
We will begin first by responding to any questions about the Energy Report. If there are no questions, we are working with an Open Floor format tonight. This means you may ask any questions of significance to you.
We remind you this format is limited in terms of accessing personal information, but we may respond to the capacity that we are capable in each instance. It is suggested your questions keep in mind other students involved.
The moderator may begin calling on the queue.
Influence of foods on the body
[ksh] Could Michael tell me if big sugar and simple starch intakes affects my body?
MEntity: Yes, of course this affects your body.
[ksh] In what way. Am I more sensitive than others are?
It is sometimes an examination method through food that allows the body to accommodate more of your energy fluctuations as they arise. In some instances the body is INFLUENCED by external stimuli that then affects the more subtle emotional and energetic qualities of the Personality; in other cases, the body SEEKS stimulants that allow the body expression of the internal energetic fluctuations.
For instance, those with higher Frequencies tend to crave more caffeine as a means to bypass the societal imprinting that suppresses their naturally “high” Frequency. Caffeine allows the imprinting that inhibits Frequency to be bypassed. It is the same with extremes in sugar cravings, starch addictions, and other food-related swings.
In your case, you seek these foods as a way to process some emotional elements as they come up. Most of your cravings are linked to socializing issues and lack of fulfillment of the Community and Exchange need.
Effect of Agreements on relationships
[MaryBV] Please help me understand the nature of my relationship with my boss and his wife. Why do I feel compelled to stay in this relationship?
As we mentioned, we may be limited in our responses of the personal nature.
That being understood, one moment.
There are some elements not able to be covered in a format such as this, but we do see strong Agreements with the male. There are some obstacles unexpected and being accommodated, but the Agreement seems to be primarily with the male. The Agreements appear to be about exchange of healing or information that is capable of expanding choices.
[MaryBV] Sorry, didn’t mean to zap you with a biggie. Thanks.
MEntity: You are compelled because this appears to be the third attempt over lifetimes at fulfilling this Agreement and it is going to be fulfilled if you can help it. The fragment with which you share this Agreement wants the experience of a revelation. It is you that have agreed to help bring this.
Will Energy Ratio affect spiritual growth?
[scholar7thlevel] I have a male female energy ratio of 82M/18F, will this impede my spiritual growth very much?
That is not possible. No.
It simply means you will have the experience of seeking “spirituality” from a more linear approach, while surrounding yourself with experiences, people, events that continuously offer opportunities for balance. When a M/F ratio is more than 60 in either direction, it is going to be part of the task of Essence to find balance. In seeking that balance, you may choose Overleaves that heighten more creativity, seek relationships that are chaotic, find yourself in unstructured situations that require you to surrender, etc. How you respond to these events begins to allow the Essence more experiential data with which to draw from in further events. Eventually, regardless of M/F ratio, an Essence is easily accessing either angle.
EgyptAir Flight 990
[Barry] Regarding the recent crash of EgyptAir flight 990, was a crew member responsible for crashing the plane on purpose? If so, why?
The fragment in question, a Server, appears to have been in deep despair, but he did not do this as only a result of his choice for eliminating his single life.
We will elaborate: When a fragment steps outside of the normally accepted roles and lifts society to a place of obvious great change, even if seen as rebellious, they may be called a Saint. When a fragment does the same thing but in ways that appear to be devastating, chaotic, and without obvious reason, they may be considered pointless and crazy.
In this case, the Server “knew” his mission privately. Though fought against internally, the act was too compelling and “right” for him to reject it. Being in Submission, this was important, even if not understood by the Personality completely. The Server appears to have considered the state of his sanity, but the compulsion was greater than the need for intellectual understanding.
All fragments aboard the plane had an exit point synchronized. The Server was consciously acting on an internal knowing. Two factors were involved in this knowing; one was his sense of trust in his ‘visions’ and the other was his observed “proof.” Upon investigation, it might be revealed that certain passengers, if having survived, would have been sources of great destruction. The Server in his own way confirmed this. This helped him justify and make sense of the haunting visions of what he “knew” he was going to do in the first place. We can also validate that certain fragments involved in this flight would have changed the course of many futures greatly in ways that the Server “knew” was not wanted on a mass level. The fragments that want to impose these choices on humanity will have other parallels to explore this option, but you will not see their plans unfold “here”.
[Barry] How does his ending his life in this way (with the associated loss of lives) lift society to a place of great change?
MEntity: We did not say that ending his life was a way to lift society, though in this case it may be said it was a way to “protect.” We were pointing out the differences in perceptions around certain rebellious acts in history and how they were interpreted. His act will most likely never make sense to the general public. This, then, is dismissed as pointless and crazy.
[Barry] Was it significant that there was a large group of Egyptian military on board?
MEntity: Yes.
Humans began in the Sirius System
[DavidMP] Is the human race really a result of ancient extraterrestrial breeding, as is suggested by the scholar Zecharia Sitchin, and if so, what are some of the details regarding this?
Yes, it is true. Since we have covered this in several instances, we will have Otterly forward the information to you.
In brief: Your Sentience originally began its cycle in what is known as the Sirius System. In fact, a small portion of you had your first lifetimes off planet. Because your actions as Sentience developed became intriguing, it became popular to have you as “pets.” An Infant Soul primate is not particularly a good pet, especially in the hands of Young and Baby Souls. When violence became obviously a factor in reaction to being caged and held, it was determined you were a menace. As laws were being passed to insure the removal of your species through extermination, the Older Souls rallied in an animal rights movement to “save” you. It was clear to the Older Souls you were Sentient. With genetic sampling, and an “out-of-the-way” planet, Earth, you were allowed to continue uninterrupted in your evolution. This was done for the Cetaceans as well, so it was not unheard of.
[DavidMP] Will these extraterrestrials most likely come back into our lives?
MEntity: The primary race involved in your rescue has always been involved with your species. They are highly telepathic and though capable of using a mental block in perceiving them physically, they have been spotted on occasion. They are known as your “Bigfoot.”
Past life regressions
[nemo999] I made an appointment for a past life regression, what should I look for?
MEntity: Lifetimes usually resonate in groups, like chords being struck. We would suggest using your daily symptoms as a means to determine what to recall. By this we mean addressing any “nagging” behavior, any decorative or creative expressions that seems to be from other times, or an illness. In your case, we would suggest seeking lives that contribute to your vague anger and sense of separation from your environment. We remind you that we do not see “past life recall” as necessary or particularly meaningful. It is certainly your choice and many results can occur from the seeking. Most past lives will “show up” for you when appropriate without the need for imposed extraction. Most who seek the therapeutic approach to extracting past lives simply to feel a forum of permission that will allow more validation of what is recalled. This then is actually a valid approach.
[nemo999] my thought is in regard to choosing paths to take.
MEntity: Yes, in terms of helping you make decisions about ‘future” paths, it is still suggested that release of unprocessed anger be undertaken first. We only suggest this as we were asked, otherwise it is your choice. If you are seeking a context with which to explore, the anger is a good angle with which to approach. It is also helpful to simply “see what comes up.”
Dick Hein
[Luna2ne] Does Dick Hein has a message for us at this time? (our recently departed scholar friend?)
MEntity: We do not convey messages from the dead. This fragment will contact those with whom the Personality feels a message might be meaningful.
[kath821] Concerning this fellow Michael student, Dick Hein, what, if anything, can you share with us to explain the motivations and benefits or disadvantages of what happened with him? Is this self-karmic?
MEntity: Yes, this was a personally meaningful self-karma. This fragment faced few fears in this life, even with all of his capacity for intellectualizing it. It was considered a great leap to “commit” to the study in a way that the Personality perceived as “the truth.” In this commitment, all that had been feared and passed over could be said to have been symbolized in this one personal crossing. What the fragment sought, he will find. His answers may be surprising, but the satisfaction and knowledge gained from this event was ‘worth it,’ The self-karma here was about overcoming fear.
[kath821] I'm sorry, was this self karmic in completion (his death) or self karmic in creation?
Self-Karma only exists within the life. This means certain issues are either carried over from another life or created DURING the life that seek resolution; either way, it is within the life that it is addressed. When Self-Karma is “carried over” from another life, it is rarely resolved as an extension of the original imbalance. It must then be recreated again and balanced from there.
This makes the actual death scenario a particularly immune event from Self-Karma, even if the death is used to balance a self-karma. It is not possible yet within your species to be resurrected with any meaning enough to resolve an internal conflict over the method of death. Conflict that may be created because of a death is simply the Negative Pole or incompletion of the 6th or 7th Internal Monad and will be addressed in that context in the next life.
Did this help your question?
[kath821] Can you say if it was essence driven or personality drive, this exit? Yes it does thank you.
MEntity: This was allowed by Essence, but certainly a conscious choice of the Personality.
Atlantis links
[MaryBV] I have a strong feeling that many of us knew each other in Atlantis. Are we together again to finish what we started there?
MEntity: Some of you were there, yes, but we think your tasks may be newer than those approached in Atlantis. Most Atlantean-linked tasks have been played out. They may be similar, but we would have to look at each configuration individually.
You are safe
[TCB] Is there anything that you would like me to know at this time, that I may not currently aware of?
This is a question that might find its response meaningful to most of you: “that you are safe.” This is one of the most challenging of concepts for you to “know.” When we say “safe” we do not mean this superficially, though it can be applied on that level if needed. We simply remind you to take note of your choices, your personal decisions, remember that not all things are appropriate to “leave to the universe.” It is your choices that shape your universe and as long as you are making choices and decisions, you are safe in your life. When meeting new people, taking on new challenges, many of you “throw it up to the Universe” or say “we’ll just see what happens.” This is relinquishing of your right to create safely what it is you want, though that is a valid choice if chosen consciously. We bring this up only as we see this as one of the most challenging concepts, not to be sentimental.
We will end here.
Goodnight to all of you.