Greed - Moving from Voracity to Appetite

Last modified by TLE Archivist TWO on 2024/10/19 01:55


[Excerpt from DianeHB's private session on October 26, 2017]


To help yourself move up and out of the effects of Greed, you would need to move to its Positive Pole of APPETITE.

The Negative Pole is VORACITY, and this is when you have decided you will never have enough of what you crave. You will never notice when you have any of it and even when you do have what you crave, you will crave more. It is a black hole of craving, longing, and demand.

APPETITE gives you a chance to breathe. You would still have your fear of not getting what you want, but Appetite is allows room for you to aim for what you want.

For those who do not have Greed as a Chief Feature, the collective energy that generates Greed is usually experienced as "something missing" and it usually relates to what you feel entitled to have, that you deserve, that "should" be, even without your efforts to create it.

When it is on such a grand scale, it becomes a distraction from what is missing in the world. In other words, when you see so much that is missing in the world, it can be daunting, and Greed will point out that if you cannot even create a fulfilling social life then how could you ever help make a difference in the world. This is when anxiety turns into the weight of pressure. You have now stacked upon yourself the pressure of the collective world and your personal world.

This is almost always there already, but not in the context of so much that is missing.

Pulling yourself back from Voracity and and toward Appetite means pulling yourself back from completely being consumed BY you cravings, and returning to your craving what to consume.

Greed is on the Exalted Expressive Axis. It is all about demanding and taking what you want without knowing why you want it, not telling people what you need, not communicating, not being honest, not being clear, not networking, not learning, etc. So to move up and away from Greed means returning to networking, communication, sharing, reaching out, talking, being honest, being clear, learning, etc.

And GIVING. When you return a focus on what you can give, what you can bring, what you have to offer, you help lift the pressure of Greed because one cannot be in Greed and be Giving. They cannot function together.