0131 Internal Monad Report

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20120131 Internal Monad Report

Entry posted January 31, 2012


The current perspective of your Essence is 2nd Level Old, which means that your Essence has completed an Arc of the 7 Internal Monads of Personality at least 1 time in this Soul Age. From what we can see, your Essence moved through only 1 lifetime to get from Old/1 to Old/2, but continued to incarnate within the paradigm of Old/1 for 3 more lifetimes, increasing the challenge for completing the Internal Monads in those subsequent lifetimes. This means that while you were technically 2nd Level Old in that second lifetime as an Old Soul, you were “manifesting” 1st Level Old or lower as the highest level of awareness for those lifetimes. This means you were technically Old/1 for only 1 lifetime, but idled as a way of exploring the internal workings of Old/1 more fully. 

This is not unusual for your Essence, or the many Personalities of your Essence, as “you” tend to like to have a clear and concise path through something, a bigger picture, and then to circle back to dissect, disassemble, reverse engineer, etc. In this context, it could be described as your preference to “fully wake up” before then “studying the process of the waking up.” 

Technically, then, you have been Old/2 for 4 lifetimes, but not completing the 7 Internal Monads allowed you to stay within the paradigm of the 1st Level. In total, your Essence has been an Old Soul for 5 lifetimes, then.

The 2nd Level of the Soul Age, or the 2nd Stage of the Essence Arc of Internal Monads, will have an emphasis on the perspective that is comparative. The 2nd Level is about comparing from where you have come with where you are. It is about comparing what you know with what  you know is still to know. This 2nd Level/Stage allows for a slow introduction to the newer Soul Age, allowing for easy return to the previous Soul Age, which then allows for the wisdom that has been accumulated to be built upon.

As you have idled long enough at the 2nd Level to fully appreciate the newness of the 1st Level of Old Soulness, this current lifetime will most likely see the completion of the 7 Internal Monads so that evolution into the 3rd Level of the Old Soul Age can come.

You appear now to be in the 6th Stage of the 5th Internal Monad, which is the MAGNETIZATION Stage. The 5th Internal Monad is about re-creating the life on terms that throw out even your own expectations and ideas about who you are. Where the 4th Internal Monad is about defining yourself on your own terms, and freeing yourself from the definitions and imprinting from others, the 5th Internal Monad is about freeing yourself from even your own impositions.

As you moved into this 6th Stage, which appears to have been in approximately 2008, it would have been entered through the Negative Pole of BURDEN, which is a process of identifying and accepting that which has become important, meaningful, and necessary to your well-being, even as you have done your best to ignore, deny, or reject those things. It is a bitter-sweet pill of processing that eventually leads to BONDING, which is reflected in more open, conscious, present, and peaceful relationships, not only externally, but internally, because you have finally let yourself have what you need, even if you have always refused that you needed these things. You are currently in the Bonding pole of this Stage, which appears to have begun in 2010.

Based on your momentum, we think you would be entering EMANATION, which is the 7th Stage of this 5th Internal Monad in 2012, which would be marked by the entrance in its Negative Pole of COLLAPSE. In this case, Collapse means a final clearing of the most resistant and rigorous structures of belief, conditions, ideals, expectations, prejudices, impositions, etc. that remain as pillars in your self-identity.

As you move into the 7th Stage, it will be helpful to remember that you will enter through that Negative Pole of Collapse, as this is a process of making the room for more vitality, clarity, and Emanation from your Essence and consciousness. Eventually, this would lead to the Positive Pole, Transcendence. Transcendence is the full release of all self-imposed definitions that no longer serve you, and the opening up to a higher identity that cannot be confined by old ideas and ideals. You will have, then, truly re-created yourself and your life.