0731 Evolution of Consciousness - Part V
Evolution of Consciousness
Part V
This session was channeled on July 31, 2024 by Troy.
MEntity: Hello to each of you. We are here, now. We can begin.
Hello, Michael!
Petra and I would like to continue our exploration of the next evolutionary stages of consciousness beyond our Sentient Realms. You originally shared the map of the arc of evolution of consciousness as DEVIC, ANIMAL or CORAL, SENTIENT, TRANSITIONAL, ANGELIC, ASCENDANT, and GOD Realms.
We are now at the 7th Realm of consciousness which you referred to as the God Realms. Here is what you shared before on this realm.
“MEntity: God Realms are where consciousness reaches its ultimate state with little to no further capacity for expansion. The only way to expand is to create and so they create a new universe and a new cycle of existence begins.”
We would like to ask you to explain the arc of existence as consciousness of the God Realms? AND
What does Consciousness consist of, in the God Realms? What roles do they play in our current universe? What do they most desire to contribute and experience to a new universe that they create in relation to all that was experienced in the current universe?
Thank you!
First, we will say that what we share with you here is educated speculation. We are nowhere near comprehending the reality of the God Realms.
The arc of evolution would not be in stages that can be delineated. We think there is one stage. This would be described as ULTIMATE REALIZATION.
In this Realm there is nothing more to know.
Everything is known.
The only thing left is to create the unknown from which learning can continue.
There are 4 key attributes that are developed in this Realm:
Omniscience - this is almost immediately accomplished as the baseline of existence in this realm is full knowledge of the entire universe and its workings.
Omnipotence - this is the ability to influence and create without limits.
Omnipresence - the ability to exist in all times, dimensions, places, etc. within this universe.
Divinity - a profound and encompassing love that permeates their own being, creations, and anything touched
It could be said that the consistency or medium of existence for those in the God Realm would be pure THOUGHT, pure ENERGY, or pure INSPIRATION. This allows for those in the God Realm to move freely through all of existence. They can ride, influence, or create using these media. Some "gods" exist as ideas, some as inspiration, some as action. They cannot (or will not) control existence, but they can influence, ride, or create in any other realm.
Gods become personified in the Physical Plane, but at the core of each god is a concept/idea, inspiration, or motivation. These are very real presences from the god realm.
Jeroen: That is very interesting. I have wondered before about what the essence of a thought or idea is.
This is where things get interesting, if you will.
Because the only expansion beyond the God Realm is to create new universes.
This may be in literal terms, but from what we understand, the creation of these new universes are you.
Every Essence is a fragment of a god, a new spark that is its own new universe of experience.
In other words, at the core of your existence, your spark, you are both a god and a universe that has started a new path of remembering.
A new path of creation.
A new path of evolution.
a circle, spiral of creation
We think we have covered your questions.
That's awesome and mind blowing to think of at the same time. I had a feeling that at the core of each of us we are our own universe.
Thank you.
Based on what you described, I think I already know the answer to this question. Are all of us as in all Sentient and sentient species and devic energies on various habitable planets part of a universe that was created by a 7th realm “God” consciousness who originated and evolved in another universe that came before?
MEntity: We suspect this is the case, yes.
Jeroen: It would seem that this consciousness that created this universe is us as well and that we are remembering that over time.
There is a type of mobius strip to the dynamics.
Do you have further questions?
We will conclude here for today. Good day to each of you. Goodbye, for now.
PetraB: Thank You Michael & Troy for going all the way with us!
Jeroen: I can't think of any more at the moment. Thank you so much. There's a lot to think about and ponder with this new insight.
If you take a long receipt from a grocery store, you can make a half twist in it and then tape the ends together and that is what a mobius strip looks like. If you imagine any kind of object moving through the paper back to its point of origin then that object is inverted in every way. There wouldn't be a way to define direction because of the inversion that happens along the way which is why it is considered a non-orientable surface. I found this interesting video with visual representations of a mobius strip and what that would mean if our universe is a non-orientable surface.
Michael has spoken of universes being created through an inversion process before which may be related.
From Janet's session, "Anxiety dream and missing sparks".
"These sparks did not cease to exist. Records show a kind of inversion event, or collapse, that is extraordinary and indicates a complete shift away from all that is considered "physics" of this universe. This is why we suspect it is a process of creating their own."
From Connor's session, "Origins of Our Universe".
"To create a new universe, a type of inversion occurs. This is done from the "edges" of another universe. An evolution of consciousness brings that state of consciousness to a point of massively excited states so that a building of pressure (for lack of a better term) continues until is bursts through the fabric of that universe to spill/explode beyond it.
In this excitement and explosion beyond a universe, it automatically creates a new space, if you will. All universes are contained within what would look like a cube and they are stacked in groups. We suspect that these "cubes" are already in place in near-infinite quantities and that this space is not created at that moment, but was already in place to be filled."