20120719 Essence Report
20120719 Essence Report
July 19, 2012
BEYOND YOU: a look at who “you” are beyond this lifetime, including comments about your Essence Twin, your Casting within your Entity, your Frequency, and your Focused/Creative Energy Ratio.
Your Essence chose its Role of Warrior approximately 6 million years ago after 9 Grand Cycles exploring the Roles of Server, Scholar, Warrior, Priest, Sage, King, Artisan, Scholar, Priest, and now Warrior again.
The pattern we see here is not an obvious one, but does show us that your Essence is quite comfortable in the realm of trying anything new, challenging, and exploratory. That could be said of any Essence, of course, but in terms of such “randomness” in the patterns of the Grand Cycles, it seems to us that your Essence is not prone to familiarities and obvious patterns. We do see that every Role was explored before returning to certain Roles, and from what we can see, this is a list that is based on the Cycles that brought the greatest range of experiences. For your Essence, exploring as Scholar appears to have mined a rich spectrum of experience, followed by Priest, and Warrior. After the return to Scholar, each Grand Cycle Role is choosing the Casting that is of the previous Role. So the Priest had Scholar Casting, and now the Warrior has Priest Casting. This is the only pattern that has emerged, but this is a short one and it could change.
Because there is such a draw toward Scholars and Priests from an Essence Level, we would think this might show up even in the life as part of the patterns of Personality. This means you might find yourself drawn to inspirational and educated figures, and the Roles of Priests and Scholars, in general. This attraction comes from Essence.
As your Casting is Priest, your daily processes are going to tend toward inspirational resources, both from within and from without. Priest Casting tends to aim for making the day matter, to count, to mean something. This is beneficial when the resources are there for doing so, but sometimes a day is just a day, and there is no challenge, no direction, no apparent inspiration, and then this Casting can feel like a pressure to make the day matter in ways that are obvious.
Your Essence Frequency is fairly high at 80, meaning that your processing of experiences is quite rapid. Concepts, whole contexts, and the essence of experiences is easily extracted and stored. However, a higher Frequency can also leave one missing the details of an experience that then require another round of that experience, or a similar experience, so that those details can come into focus and be collected. Those with higher Frequencies tend to generate patterns around certain issues that are repeated over and over as each layer of the experience is worked through.
Your Ratio of Creative Energy vs Focused Energy is rather high on the Creative side at 75, meaning that your navigation of life will probably lead you more into non-linear paths, exploratory routes, and even chaotic directions. When one has a higher Energy ratio to one side or another, there tends to be an attraction to what balances that out. This balance tends to be sought as the Soul Ages, and in your case, it appears that this has come to be an important part of lifetimes. That would mean to us that you may be attracted to structure, organization, planning, etc. whether as provided by yourself, or by someone else, but this would help balance out your natural tendency toward meandering and creative abstractions.
Returning to the pattern for your Essence across Grand Cycles, it appears that the choice for Essence Twin Role is referencing the cycle previous to the one just before. For instance, your Essence Twin is a Scholar now, referencing the Grand Cycle when you were Scholar. Your next Grand Cycle might find you as a Server with Warrior Casting (referencing this cycle) and a Warrior Essence Twin (referencing the one previous to this one).
This Essence Twin appears to be from Cadre 1, Entity 3, and is incarnated as a male who appears to have been mated with you at one point, and is still in your life, as far as we can see.
UBER-PATTERNS: a look at how some of the key dynamics of your Essence Design have shown up across lifetimes, including the overall arcing theme that contributes to the experience and knowledge of your Entity.
We see your Essence’s overall theme described best as CREATING EPIC CHALLENGES. Your Essence tends to create Personalities that “love” being challenged, given tasks and puzzles to solve, or anything that is epic in accomplishing. The shorter arcs of experience are valuable and meaningful, but these larger arcs of experience are a deep craving for your Essence, which prompts the Personality to see the life on those terms. Sometimes the shorter arcs of challenges and experience can tend to be ignored or dismissed if not clearly seen as a part of some larger, meaningful arc. It is helpful to remember that there is no such thing as having no greater arc of experiences, and that even as you may not be privy to the larger patterns in place, you are always a part of them. Your Essence manages those larger arcs, but with patient awareness, you can easily trust that your path of choices made by Personality easily contribute to a larger arc that eventually reveals itself. Then all of the little things find their place in the epic challenge that was explored and resolved. Every day within a single lifetime is like an entire incarnation is to a Grand Cycle. They all mean something, and contribute to a tapestry of meaning and accomplishment.
THE CURRENT YOU: a look at current lifetime themes, status of your Essence Twin, how your positive and negative poles show up, and any obstacles and solutions to fully manifesting Essence through this Personality.
Your current lifetime and Personality appear to represent the greater patterns of Essence in many ways, with a constant assessment of value and meaning from your days, a desire to make a difference, contribute, accomplish and fulfill satisfying goals. There are going to be ebbs and flows to this kind of aim across a lifetime, so if it is kept in perspective that not every day, every month, or every year will have the same height of obvious value and meaning, then each can find their place in the scheme of importance.
When you are embracing of Essence, and manifesting True Personality, we might describe this as a state where you truly grasp that EVERYTHING IS OKAY. There is no need for it to be extravagant, no need for it to be on schedule, meeting expectations, avoiding disappointments, overcoming boredom, etc. It is just the way it is, and it is understood that it changes, evolves, twists, turns, and that you are there to steer the way. It is a sense of trust that just because you cannot see what is around the corner does not mean that you will not see it. It is understanding that to get around the corner, you must drive safely, with an awareness of where you are, and not just about where you are going, or expecting to go.
When you are rejecting of Essence, and manifesting False Personality, we might describe this as a state of DISAPPOINTMENT. This is that state where your measurements of expectation exceed the actuality of a situation, self, or person. You tend to manage keeping this from falling into a state of defeat, but it can be a close call sometimes. If you are in a state that feels your life is falling short, it is not because it is falling short, it is because you are still working your way through the epic challenge.
To help you to return to a state of OKAY vs Disappointment, you would want to experiment. The Idealist can create impossible standards that are always, in some way, met with disappointment, because there is always room for improvement, or a sense of what should have been, instead of what is. That is helpful for keeping the aim for higher visions, but when that aim clouds the vision, itself, then it is not helpful. What helps is to use the Positive Pole of your partner Attitude of Skeptic, which is Investigation. What this means, in your case, is that when you are disappointed, bored, unchallenged, it simply means you might want to try experimenting with something surprising for the day. Experimentation falls into Investigation, so this would fit your nature quite well. Experiment with new ideas, check out a new restaurant, drive a different way home. Anything to change a routine for that day, that month, etc. Do this as a way to keep yourself entertained, if for no other reason, and allow yourself to understand that this is your way of letting things be OKAY, because anything could happen in those little shifts, changes, and surprises. When you know you are doing things to keep the door open to opportunity, it can go a long way toward your embrace of Essence, and Manifesting True Personality.