1220 2024 Michael & Petra via Troy!

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2024 Michael & Petra via Troy!

December 20th 2024

MEntity: Hello to you, Petra. We are here, now. We can begin.


Hello Michael via Troy!

I would like pursuing the Laws that are in place according to Michael, here is one example, and excerpt, from a session, at the end Michael says there are other Laws as well:

Entry posted by rharan5930 in Michael Session January 26, 2021: The Law of Attraction might best be understood as the Law of Awareness, in that the more one is aware of what one wants and needs, and what one fears and desires, the more one can navigate toward and create that which one seeks. The Law of Attraction cannot override the conditions of reality, unfortunately, so while a rich man can "visualize" and "create" his 3rd vehicle, a poor man may only be able to visualize and create a mood of inspiration to get through the day.

AND you also said this: The Law of Attraction is an equation and when any part of that equation is off, the math does not produce the results anticipated.  For most who work with this concept there is an application of Emotional and the Intellectual, but not the Moving. In other words, they are not willing to do the work, or the effort, or bring the Energy that is required for the reality to come into fruition.

We can dedicate time to this Law and other Laws in a focused session for the community, if that is requested. We will work with Troy on this.

I'd like to request what You have suggested above, to speak/explain/elaborate, about all of those Laws that You know of?


We will begin. There are 12 Universal Laws. Each Law is built from and emphasizes one or more of the Universal Building Blocks: Truth, Love, Energy.

We will now list each Law by a useful name, along with the dynamic of that law and its application.


Dynamic - One draws experiences into the life based on what is consciously, unconsciously, and subconsciously focused upon. Attraction is not about getting what one desires, but about increasing one's recognition of possibilities and resources already around the individual. The marketed version of this Law is a distortion.

Application - When one's intellectual, emotional, and moving centers are aligned around a clearly envisioned outcome, one can more likely navigate toward it more effectively. Awareness brings clarity to one's needs, fears, and desires, helping to inform one's actions and choices. One does not simply wish for what is desired and hope it happens.


Dynamic - One's direction of will and sense of purpose helps determine the path that energy moves in one's life. Setting clear intentions can help to shape how reality responds.

Application - Intentions must be consistent and sincere. Intentions that are conflicted by hidden fears or self-doubt can muddle results. True Intention means the heart, mind, and efforts (or feelings, thoughts, and actions) are in alignment with one's will and sense of purpose. Reality will respond to this, though it may not always be as expected.

LAW OF ACTION (or Effort/Movement)

Dynamic - Thoughts and Emotions alone do not manifest results. Actions, physical effort, behavioral changes, and tangible steps are required. Without a Moving component, desired outcomes remain conceptual.

Application - Align one's choices and physical level engagement with one's intellectual and emotional aims. This helps transform visualization into progressive steps toward material changes. In other words, thoughts and prayers do nothing, if you do nothing. 

LAW OF RESONANCE (or Correspondence)

Dynamic - One's inner state of being is "echoed" in the outside world, and one's external experiences reflect one's frequencies. Like resonates with Like.

Application - Internally cultivating the qualities one wishes to experience, such as compassion, patience, abundance, clarity, change, etc. tends to be mirrored back from reality in some form. "Be The Change One Wishes To See In The World" is a phrase referencing this Law. Note: Reality will mirror one's frequencies, but it may not always be how it would be expected.


Dynamic - Existence is shaped by the perpetual exercise of choice at every level of Being. Even when conditions appear to be fixed, one's stance, perspective, and responses are fluid.

Application - Recognize that choice extends beyond major life events. Small shifts in attitude, beliefs, assumptions, and daily habits profoundly affect one's trajectory. Choice is one's agency in the universe to co-create.


Dynamic - Every action, thought, and feeling initiates a chain of events or influences that ultimately return to the self. This is not about reward or punishment, but about an organic energetic flow and nature of balance. This Law could be referred to as Law of Karma, Law of Responsibility, or Law of Balance. We prefer Law of Consequence as this ensures more awareness that one vital to the equation and will be affected.

Application - Observe one's patterns and understand that what one sends outward, such as love, condemnation, kindness, neglect, hate, disgust, harm, etc. will return in some form that provides evolution. Adjusting how one acts as a Cause can help change what comes back as Effect.

LAW OF INTEGRATION (Wholeness/Manifestation)

Dynamic - True manifestation of Essence or self or reality arise when all parts of the self, intellectual, emotional, moving, spiritual work in harmony. Internal and external fragmentation dilutes effectiveness, while integration can amply effectiveness.

Application - Work with inner dialogue, emotional states, body language, spiritual values to bring them into alignment. Living as a unified Being promotes growth and manifestation of Essence, energy, etc.


Dynamic - This is a form of surrender, accepting what is, not from resignation, but as a means to lay groundwork for real change. Allowance acknowledges current reality as a means to reduce internal friction that can slow one's evolution.

Application - By acknowledging with honesty conditions as they are can free one up to access creative energy for change and solutions. Allowance is not an endorsement. It simply means that one faces reality with openness that allows one to respond more effectively.


Dynamic - Energy and experiences move in cycles of give and take, ebb and flow. It is valid that what one contributes to the field of collective existence influences what returns to oneself. What one most wishes to receive is what one would make the effort to give. This is not a reward system, simply a law of reciprocity. The reciprocation may not often show up as expected.

Application - It is meaningful to engage generously with life, such as sharing support, knowledge, kindness, so that in turn you may remain open to receiving help, insight, unexpected opportunities from the environment or others.


Dynamic - Consciousness moves toward greater understanding, expanded empathy, and deeper insight. EVERY experience contributes to individual and collective evolution. 

Application - It is meaningful to embrace experiences and learn from them, both the joyful and the painful. Over time, this continuous embrace of experiences can help refine one's capacity for love, authenticity, and co-creative power.


Dynamic - Harmony is achieved when all aspects of Being, the intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual are in alignment.. This Law ensures a balanced flow of energy, helping to facilitate smoother manifestations, awareness, experiences, etc. It acts as an underpinning for other Laws. When there is discord within or misalignment, energy can become stagnant or misdirected, displaced, leading to challenges and obstacles within and without.

Application - Regularly self-evaluate the different facets of one's life to ensure they are synchronized. Look for which facets may be out of balance. Ensure that one nurtures each aspect of the self, which means engaging in intellectual pursuits, emotional self-care, physical activities, and spiritual practices. Address internal conflicts by fostering understanding and acceptance among the parts of the self, resolving self-karma. Incorporate daily routines that serve harmony.


Dynamic - Non-Attachment involves releasing rigid attachments to specific outcomes, allowing for greater flexibility and openness in the process of creating one's life, making choices, navigating relationships, etc. Clear intentions and focused energy are essential, but clinging too tightly to how and when things should unfold or appear and create resistance that slow or halt the flow of creation.

Application - Clear intentions are vital, but releasing control of every aspect of how they materialize is even more vital. Flexibility and openness to various pathways and outcomes, recognizing that what unfolds may be better aligned with one's highest good than even one's own original vision, and cultivating trust in one's process can help reduce attachment, worry, obsession, etc.

These 12 Laws collectively offer a comprehensive framework through which one can understand and navigate the more metaphysical aspects of existence. They emphasize the importance of self-awareness, intentionality, balanced action, energetic alignment, conscious choice, and personal and collective evolutionary growth. By embracing and considering these Laws, students can enhance their ability to co-create their reality, reframe experiences for maximum benefit, participate in personal evolution, and live in greater harmony with universal flows.

PetraB: I am very grateful unto You, Michael, and Troy, we went over time, I'll make sure Troy gets paid for his Generosity! I very much like how yous delivered today!

MEntity: Good day to you, Petra. We must conclude here. Goodbye, for now.