1211 2024 Michael & Jeroen & Petra via Troy!

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2024 Michael & Jeroen & Petra via Troy!

Evolution of Consciousness Part VIII

December 11th 2024

MEntity: Hello to each of you. We are here, now. We can begin.


Hello Michael via Troy!

Jeroen and I, like to have another Q & A with You about the Evolution of Consciousness. 

Jeroen: Hello, Michael!

Question: You shared this about the Angelic Realm consciousness.


They often help sustain the effort for empathy, or what could be considered multidimensional communication enhancements, as empathy often requires reaching across personal and collective realities that may not align. For those who are interested, they can help uplift one's sense of purpose and focus in a lifetime, if the Personality is interested in such a specialty.

And finally, they can help Sentience to work with Devic Realm in co-creative ways. They hold the space that acts as a bridge between Sentient Realm and Devic Realm. This is often experienced by Sentience as blissful immersion and alignment with nature, or urgent passionate action to help preserve and protect nature. This is one of the most challenging areas for Angelic Realm at the moment, as most humans have been conditioned to compartmentalize their existence as unique and separate from nature.”

Could you describe some co-creative ways that one could work with Angelic consciousness for the benefit of the Devic Realm, nature and others?


As mentioned previously, simply participating in nature is helpful, but participating in the repair and maintenance of nature is even more helpful. Planting a garden, hosting plants in your home, responsible camping, being an activist for the environment, and of course, being vegan. The co-creative element comes in naturally when one allows nature to be a part of the life, and even more so when dominion is the dynamic relationship with nature. Dominion is a sense of responsibility and care for nature, not a domination or conquering.

In short, moving away from exploitation and moving toward participation is all that is necessary to help in co-creation.

Jeroen: Thank you. Those are helpful suggestions and that makes sense.

PetraB: Here is a Question from Jean-François Lozevis:  I wonder about the place of 'demons' in all this. Angelic realm ? also I wonder if there can be 'progress' in evil, like becoming a demon, then an arch-demon, then ....?

MEntity: Outside of the Physical Plane, there is nothing that could be considered "evil." There are no demons, no devils, no arch-demons, etc. This is also true of gods. All of these terms are archetypes and inventions of the human mind for personifying that which is least understood. There is, by definition, evil in the Physical Plane but it is sourced through the actions of humans, not supernatural forces. Beyond the Physical Plane, any actions that might be considered "evil" in the Physical Plane are understood as mistakes or misunderstandings, etc. We are able to hold this context for "evil" because there is no true harm from any actions. The Physical Plane, however, one's actions can cause profound and irrevocable harm. 


Thank You!


MEntity: Everything exists as a result of Imagination. And Imagination exists as a result of everything. In short, Imagination IS Tao. If any one of you wondered what Tao "is like," it is that part of you that Imagines. If you wondered what your "spark" was like at the core of your Essence, it is Imagination. And by extension, your Imagination is Essence, as well. And by further extension, your Imagination is YOU.  We share this rather amorphous and aphorismic introduction because it is valid that Imagination permeates everything, and emits from everything, in ways that literally help to perpetuate the universe.

Do the other realms of consciousness exist as part of imagination and use their imagination in a similar or unique way to those of us in the Sentient Realms? Could you describe how they may use their imagination?

MEntity: Yes, all elements of existence have some form or degree of imagination, including such things as stones, grass, insects, etc. Imagination functions relative to the degree of self-awareness, degree of consciousness, and relationship to time/emotional development. Faster, slower, more complex, simpler, are not valid terms for determining the value of imagination, but these terms are fair for describing differences. For example, the imagination of a mountain may have an arc that takes centuries, while the imagination of an ant may rare and brief. These variations run through humanity, as well, with some having imaginations that are constant and rapid, while others rarely use imagination, and others exist almost entirely in their imagination, etc. All of this extends across all realms.

Jeroen: Thank you!  Could you give an example of how a consciousness in the Transitional Realm may use their imagination or otherwise would they exist entirely in their imagination?

MEntity: Consciousness in transition tends to unleash great waves of imagination. This is quite intrinsic to this realm because imagination must be broad and open for the meaning of existence, the value of experiences, etc. to be used in the most beneficial of ways. All experiences are given new or updated contexts that allow for transition. All possibilities are given weight and value so that transformation is embraced. Though consciousness in transitional realms are not existing entirely in imagination, there are very few limits placed on it.

PetraB: Thank You Michael & Troy!!!

Jeroen: Thank you for sharing those examples! That is helpful in knowing how different elements and forms of consciousness work with imagination.


We have been looking to bring a next tier of information and terminology to our teaching and have mentioned to students that we have entered this stage. You are a part of that process. We appreciate the time and effort to help bring our concepts into words.

Good day to each of you. Goodbye, for now.

Jeroen: Thank you! We appreciate being a part of this too and being here with you and Troy! 

PetraB: Much Love and Thanks!