1129 Spark/Essence/Personality
November 29th 2024
There is validity to the comparison of the soul to light, or that someone's "light goes out," etc. Essence works similarly to how light works in that it requires no medium for its presence or movement. There is a source of this light that we refer to as the "spark," and this emits Essence, and Essence emits bodies that reflect Essence back to the Spark. The "location" of the spark is always in what we have referred to as Tao. The spark never truly leaves Tao or experiences a sense of disconnection. Essence, however, is something birthed from the spark and is new for every Grand Cycle.
Essence must learn from scratch in the same way that each Personality must learn (or remember) in each lifetime. Therefore, Personalities created by Essence are reflections of Essence. Essence creates bodies (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc) to give it something to "bounce off of." When light bounces off of objects, you can see the object even though it is actually light that you see. This is true of Personalities, too. Essence is reflecting off of the Personality, so to speak, bouncing off in a way that allows one to see the Essence. Essence requires no medium for existence, but it does require "surfaces" to bounce its light off of so as to nurture self-awareness. This means that Essence creates a series of bodies down through the Planes. Each Plane carries a body of Essence and this allows Essence to reflect and have form in each Plane.The Physical Plane requires more bodies because it is a Plane that is immersed in time and space.
So Essence is not a place, but a kind of light, or frequency, that radiates out from the spark.
Each body in each Plane evolves in unison as Essence reflects off of each. As each Personality is born into existence, more growth is bounced back up through the planes to the other bodies.
Personalities never "die" and retain their identity and form because they are always reflecting Essence.
Personalities of a single Essence interact with one another in similar ways that anyone does in the Physical Plane.