0619 Life Ambassador

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2024/12/12 18:28

Life Ambassador

POF 20240619


I think I’ve made a breakthrough in clarifying my path forward recently, and a lot of the changes are happening fast. I’ve finally taken steps to train myself as a coach and to build my personal identify and brand. Still trying to define my speciality but yes I would like to become a spiritual/self-development teacher of some sort. Can Michael offer some comments on this breakthrough, and if possible, offer some comments on each of the following teaching ideas I have. How aligned are they with my goals in this life? how likely are they going to generate resonance with the audience I would appreciate? etc

-dealing with uncertainty, flow

-trust each other and one’s own voice

-learn truth from emotional center/perception

-cultivate healthy relationships with money

-read trends, patterns, forecasts, etc

-cross culture intelligence, finding home in every environment

-adolescent anxiety / mindfulness

I understand I would have to figure the details out and explore myself, but it would be nice if some directional comments or intriguing questions can be offered for the ideas above.


All of the above are in resonance and would find an audience, but those areas where we see more resonance between yourself and the audience drawn to the subject matter would be: Truth from Emotional Center, Cross Culture Intelligence, and to some degree, Adolescent Anxiety, though this subject would bring more challenges than the others.

The other subjects are meaningful, but may draw younger soul or younger soul imprinted audience that may be less inspiring for sustaining motivation.

We would suggest playing with the idea of being a Life Ambassador, rather than a Coach. Or an Ambassador of Emotion, or True Home Ambassador, etc. Playing around with this idea may bring a sense of intimacy and play that the term "coach" may not carry. next.

CongN: In this journey I’ve identified two mentors: Eric R and Sheera D. Can you share their cast, role, cadre, entity, soul age? What are the themes of our agreements if any, and what should I learn from each of them?


If we have the correct fragments: ERIC = 5th Level Old King-Cast Sage from Cadre 3, Entity 5; SHEERA = 4th Level Old Scholar-Cast Sage from Cadre 3, Entity 2

Both are valid Support Positions from your Support Circle Mentor Position. Agreements appear to be themed in Healing Behaviors, or modifying behaviors that can more accurately reflect internal intent. As for what you should learn, that is up to you. They are teaching far more than one thing, and you will find several valuable concepts worth learning, even when they are not the focus of what is being shared.