0521 My cats

Last modified by TLE Archivist ONE on 2023/05/09 02:55

0521 My cats

(POF Chat, 5/21/14)

Of course I had to ask about my cats after reading everyone else's. I had already pegged Sam as Crazy and Beau as Catastrophic, but I didn't put that in my question. I think anyone that knows the story would put Sam there.

Poor baby. And Beau really needed a home as he had to stay in a big crate a lot of the time at the sanctuary because he doesn't get along with other cats. It bothered me so much that I realized this must be a cat I "know".

MARTHA: Hello, Michael. I’d like to continue the cat questions that other students have been asking recently.

I’d like to get the incarnational status, entity makeup, and prior bonding with either/both my daughter Morgan and me for two cats, Sam and Beau. I’m still grieving for Sam, but Beau needed a home and got my attention, so I adopted him a few days ago. He seems very comfortable here with us and so far the transition has been easy. I was hesitant to take him in so soon after Sam, but his need was real. Is it significant that this happened during a nexus?

MICHAEL: The feline known as "Beau" appears to be a mix of Scholars and Servers who have incarnated with you across 3 previous incarnations and is in the 4th life/stage. The feline known as "Sam" appears to be a mix of Warriors and Kings who was in a 5th incarnation/stage with you. Though there is some relevance to the sharing of space with the Sage who is now your daughter, there is no incarnational link with those creatures. She would likely return to some of her own as she can make the choices for caretaking that she cannot make now.

MARTHA: Beau isn't planning to check the 5th stage, is he? I don't think I can handle more of it right now.

MICHAEL: The Vector for the adoption was in place before the Nexus, but the Nexus was the pivotal point that determined one way or the other if this adoption would be secured.

MARTHA: yes, I felt a bit rushed to that day, but the momentum was there. Can you give more detail about Sam and his stage?

MICHAEL: Are you speaking in terms of "Crazy?" (We note here that there is a more comprehensive term, but we have not been able to prompt the term from this channel, just yet.)

MARTHA: yes, the Crazy with a capitol C, lol. I'm still recuperating

MICHAEL: We cannot predict, but it would seem likely that the Scholar/Server mix would continue the theme of Catastrophic.

MARTHA: does that have to mean some new disaster? He's been almost euthanized, had other adoptions fall through or end abruptly, health issues

MICHAEL: As far as "Sam," the stress of the environment and the stress in the body came together to generate a very difficult state. In a "Crazy" stage, the feline experiences its first sense of emotional autonomy and this can launch into wave of defenses, offenses, boundaries crossed or sustained. As for the Catastrophic, it is not that the adoption of the cat implies some kind of omen, but that the catastrophic events are relative to the feline's experiences. In the stage of Catastrophic, events come together to challenge all that has come to have been experienced before. It is a shift in awareness around fear, safety, trust, and endurance.

MARTHA: was Sam aware that he was really harming me physically?

MICHAEL: Animals are quite intent when inflicting harm, even if only as defense or play.

MARTHA: he attacked me pretty viciously on many occasions

MICHAEL: Yes, the infliction of harm would likely be relative to the establishment of territory or boundaries, particularly if stress, threat, or pain was involved.

MARTHA: And that's why he's not here anymore. Ugh.

MICHAEL: This is not motivated by the same states that might be motivated by Humans. It is not hateful or meant to be offensive emotionally. It was his means of trying to take control of his own body, space, environment, to bring some sanity to his emotional self.



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